Reform UK has published its manifesto today.  It has less than half a page of text on benefits, under the heading “The Benefits System is Broken” and featuring a slogan of “In Britain, if you can work, you must work.”

On PIP and the WCA, Reform says: 

Face to Face, Not Remote Assessments for Benefits

Personal Independence Payment and Work Capability Assessment should be face to face. We will require independent medical assessments to prove eligibility for payments. Those registered with severe disabilities or serious long-term illnesses would be exempt from regular checks.

When benefits and work carried out a poll of readers two years ago on what sort of PIP assessment they would prefer, the results were:

  • Paper 59% 
  • Phone 20%
  • Face-to-face 20%
  • Video 1%

So this is a move that would be unpopular with the majority of Benefits and Work readers

The remainder of the text is devoted to raising the starting point for tax to £20,000 a year and an aim “Motivate up to 2 million People Back to Work”.

Reform say that:

“Reforms to benefit support and training will help people back into work. Particular focus on 16-34 year olds. Employment is critical to improving mental health. Tax relief for businesses that undertake apprenticeships.”

The manifesto goes on to warn that:

“All job seekers and those fit to work must find employment within 4 months or accept a job after 2 offers. Otherwise, benefits are withdrawn.”

You can download a copy of Reform UK’s manifesto from this link.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 8 months ago
    Easy to say us with disabilities to work, but we're no longer in the 90s when they had to employ so many people with disabilities. These days we are nothing to them. Plus healthy workers are losing jobs due to self service 
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    · 9 months ago
    Outside of the glossy manifesto, THIS is what Farage has to say on the welfare state (and take note that he doesn't even attempt to concede that there is anyone in any kind of genuine need):

    “Welfarism, I’m afraid, is making millions of people lazy. ‘I’m too fat, I’m too stupid, I’m too lazy, I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. I smoke drugs, give me money’ … That’s what we’re saying. ‘I don’t need to work, the state will provide for me’ … We cannot afford it.”

    Vote Reform at your LITERAL peril.

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      · 9 months ago
      @wibblum It's no surprise to see Farage saying that sort of thing. Unfortunately he's constantly given a platform by a compliant media, and not just the likes of GBeebies, but also the BBC.  What is disturbing is how many people see him with his prop pint and are wiling to believe that a privately educated ex-banker and former member of the Tory party who cheerleads for Trump is really a champion of working class people.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 months ago
    Reform are the Tories on steroids. Distill all the most extreme and toxic elements of the Tories into concentrated form and what you get is Farage and his ilk. Just look at this:

    “All job seekers and those fit to work must find employment within 4 months or accept a job after 2 offers. Otherwise, benefits are withdrawn.”

    So those who don't find a job within four months will have their benefit stopped and presumably be left to starve. But remember, Farage is a down to earth bloke who represents ordinary people!
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    · 9 months ago
    That policy is actually less severe than the Tories.  Although I wouldnt put it past Reform to play with the descriptors in addition to what they have announced, but its better than the Tories plans to practically scrap PIP and get rid of LCWRA.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 months ago
      @CC Ref LCWRA Tories plan which labour going ahead with claiments with secondary non GP evidence will only be considered for LCWRA and exemption from regular assessments 
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      · 2 months ago
      @Joe Ref anxiety and depression vouchers instead.
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      · 8 months ago
      @Joe Yes especially mental health they want use vouchers for talking therapy as hunt rishi keir said mental health is curable I'm bipolar split personality attachment disorder ptsd and add diabetic arthritis hole heart I have therapy how's talking going pay the bills there all corrupted take of the rich 
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      · 8 months ago
      @CC Am I reading right. Tories plan to get rid of PIP
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    · 9 months ago
    I cannot believe people on here are supporting Reform!

    The slogan is enough to tell you what they plan for us “If you can work, you must work”, followed by “We will require independent medical assessments”, ATOS, anyone? 

    A vote for Reform is a vote to further demonise us, further punish us for having the temerity to be disabled, to force us into work, else have our benefits stopped. They’re even worse than the Tories!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 8 months ago
      @shirleyp I also can’t believe people are wanting to vote for Reform he will make so many problems with his VP policies and this country will end up like the torries have made it now. We will all be on the streets and in workhouses !!! GIF forbid he gets in 
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    · 9 months ago
    The true Nasty Party.  I have seen Reform posters up around where I live, probably posted by those fed up with the Tories and wanting to stop immigration: that's how ignorant people think. I wouldn't vote for this lot if they offered the Moon. Dangerous and divisive.
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    · 9 months ago
    It's a weak point of Reform UK people on welfare won't vote for that and it's a big problem half the country is on benefits alot of people just are not confident in working because depression or just the pressure of having a job or really can't find work, the solution is monthly training courses fund provided in driving hospitality security retail and labor with a job on a probation period with them still getting benefits until it's over, that should get more people in work but that isn't happening, there isn't enough skill centres apprenticeships or courses, zero hour jobs don't have enough work or pay enough, licencing costs are too much and you might not pass like your CSCS SIA HGV Theory I think all exams and tests should be cut down to just 20 questions less word salad and basic with 10 years on your licence, men that can't see there children get demolished by child maintenance so won't work when it should be a choice and agreement, You just can't walking into a job like you use to, if you want more people to work and come off benefits things need to change and make it easier for people to get work just taking people off benefits if they fail to get work is not a good idea.
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    · 9 months ago
    With reforms main thing being immigration Plus they are at the starting blocks  As far as having MPs  are concerned The fact their manifesto is a little light on this subject is no surprise With little chance of gaining enough seats to win the election They do not need to say to much As their seats will be won by other things within their manifesto But any MPs they do get could influence any decisions made by the government
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      · 19 days ago
      @Clare Their manifesto was "a little light" on everything! 
      Their leader (sorry, owner) is hardly an inexperienced politition, having been an MEP for 21 years (1999 - 2020). He's also a master at playing the electorate for fools - claiming during "campaigning" for Brexit that he supported our fishing industry (remember that stunt in the Thames?), yet, had been on the EU Fisheries Committee Jul 1999 - May 2004, with zero attendances! Now, he's trying to make our farmers believe he's on their side (over inheritance tax reforms), but donning a tweed cap, "country" jacket and green wellies! 
      Just remember, Mr Farage has a nice EU pension, topped up by his membership of the EU Fisheries committee, and now by his stint as an MP (again, topped up by the fact he's their Leader... having ousted the previous leader, rather unceremoniously during the election last year! 
      Do not believe that this man cares one iota about the British people, or, indeed anyone but himself. 
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    · 9 months ago
    'Employment is critical to improving mental health'!!! What if a person's mental illness was caused by toxic work conditions?
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      · 19 days ago
      @Piggymitch Absolutely.
      My depression was long-standing (I've had depression since about 15yoa, now 62), but that, plus anxiety was made dramatically worse by my employer, after having worked for them, without issue for over 12 yrs. 
      I don't want to go over it again, as it still causes flashbacks and massive anxiety, but they made my life hell for 6 months before forcing me out with a NDA.
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      · 2 months ago
      @Piggymitch To a point yes  however in some severe cases work auctually makes it worse
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      · 9 months ago
      @Anon Thank you for your response Mr Farage.
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      · 9 months ago
      @Piggymitch Change jobs?
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    · 9 months ago
    There is only one thing you need to know about Reform. They are climate change deniers who don't care at all about the most serious issue facing the planet. If you are planning to live for more than a decade or two, worrying about the precise level of benefits will become insignificant.
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    · 9 months ago
    Reform should do well,  imo as they can grasp the fundamental thing wrong with uk.Too many people for what is ultimately a little island and it's resources are being overwhelmed. 

    Many of the younger generations will see through the false promises of today's 2 party system. Their looking at a future for themselves and how the hell their be able to get a social rented home before they reach 50. 
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      · 8 months ago
      @Fred lol. They won’t even come in third place. 😂
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      · 9 months ago
      @Fred Well said Fred. 
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      · 9 months ago
      Look at all the promises of Brexit.

      Can't run a country on rhetoric.

      Many immigrants work and pay higher taxes than many Brits do when they are eventually allowed to.

      The number – the difference between the number of people arriving in the UK and leaving – was 685,000 in the year to December 2023, says the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

      It would be even less if the government invested in training our people up.
      What's happening now with the new points system is people brought in on high wages and decent jobs. Not training our people means they're given more minimum-wage jobs. Now EU can't come, those jobs need covering.

      Reform has said nothing about clearing the backlog of asylum claims - it is this which is costing the most in terms of accommodation and £50 a week (could you live on that).

      The numbers are minimal on boats—less than 100k. Their applications should be processed promptly.

      So you are spending £bns of pounds on 'token nastiness' - Keep those billions, and clear the backlog = save money

      £bns spent on Rwanda already  - all very well sending a few hundred people at a further cost of £150k for each migrant. We will still be paying accommodation/support cash, plus the flights/contracts. PLUS part of the agreement is to bring over their most vulnerable asylum seekers here with the promise of automatic resettlement - like those with diabetes or other health problems in need of NHS, and sickness benefits. Sending healthy working-age men seems daft as they could work.

      The Bibi barge costs more than hotels. 

      Token schemes to buy your votes 'solving' these apparent 'crises' by pandering to your joy over:
      a) asylum seekers arriving irregularly suffering.
      b) turn your obsession and abuse towards other minority populations. While you hate them, you let the government get away with worse and no accountability.

      Resources are not being overwhelmed because of population numbers - the government hides behind blaming others - the govt has been irresponsible and shirked its duties. Look at the costs govt can claim for 2nd homes... if they have three children living with them, they get £15k per year in child expenses. £2,000 per month rent. Bills covered (so not affected by fuel rises), so on, and so on.

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    · 9 months ago
    I really hope folk consider Reform after 150 years of Conservative or Labour or coalition with Lib Dem. We could use some strong re-think about various aspects in the way the country is run. Too many years of complacency by the others have led to this mess. If given a chance with more seats I think  they might be of benefit to those in need of help. 
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    · 9 months ago
    Let's just hope Reform UK have had more time to write they're "contract" before 2029... This one isn't really fit for purpose & is the biggest disappointment of the lot
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      · 19 days ago
      @ArchiesMum01 They had the same amount of time as all other parties. 
      Whilst I didn't get to read the Monster Raving Loony Party's manifesto, I would take a bet that it contained more substance that the Reform "contract" did. 
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    · 9 months ago
    All done in a rush, with little or no time to think things through and do proper due diligence. Of course, they won't win, but as the general population's mood turns against Conservatives and Labour, and any potential from the other key players is limited, we cannot afford to totally dismiss Reform.  I, for one, hope they get taken more seriously over time.  You never know. They just might become a viable option to the current thieves, liars, robbers and con artists that we have to put up with.
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    · 9 months ago
    Worse than the Tories. Why would anyone believe them after the famous NHS lie on the bus?
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      · 9 months ago
      @Julia According to various news sources there are Reform Party bots loose all over the internet. 

      Either that or Farage is in danger of getting the biggest single case of Writer's Cramp in recorded history.
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      · 9 months ago
      @DH I don't think a lot of the people here recently are genuine benefit claimants. Too many of the comments read like party political broadcasts. Many desperate or plain ignorant people are falling for their sham of a 'party' but I believe that those of us who are clued up are wise to their tricks. Anyone here who is using this forum as a way to promote their party at the expense of vulnerable people should hang their heads in shame.
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      · 9 months ago
      @Julia I am reading these comments and I am SOOOO troubled by the praise Reform are receiving here by Benefits and Work users. Are they being brainwashed? Do they not realise that they might be even more hardline against benefits than the Tories? Not only political parties are losing the plot, so are many people here.
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    · 9 months ago
    Absolutely 💯 believe this is the way forward,  providing it is fair. Having had 24years of hell with both Labour and The Tory governments since being medically discharged from the Army, I believe if they can come up with a flexible package it would be even better. Dome of us vould possibly help out in our communities which is almost the same as working, but often we are not always well enough. The system should be there to help us get our dignity back by helping us put as much back into society as we can without penalising us. Anyway I am sure alot of people are skeptical about Reform but under Labour we all know we will go bankrupt again. And as for the Tories the UC was their downfall. Make the system fairer. So by having independent medical proof this does appeal to me , rather than someone who gets a bonus for finding fault who probably not even qualified. 

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      · 5 months ago
      @Elaine Nigel farage the man who run away after brexit and only re became reform leader at the last minute.
      Shout from the side line politics when you have no hope of power just snipe at the other partys.
      This man wont make life better for the job seeker or disabled it would get a whole lot worse.
      There seems to be a mentality in the media to back deranged people for leadership like boris or nigel and to hell with the country.
      As long as the rich are richer and the poor are poorer thats ok.
      I tell you its not ok.
      The economy needs growing cost of living needs sorting the nhs needs fixing schools need fixing public services need fixing.
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      · 8 months ago
      @DH And people like us who are disabled are thinking of voting for them 
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      · 9 months ago
      @Neil Loughbrough Reform wants to 'rip up' the equality act and remove the UK from ECHR, essentially getting rid of your rights as a disabled person and will be detrimental in fighting injustice against your benefits. How can you see this as 'the way forward'?
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    · 9 months ago
      I am writing this email to ask if you can please make clearer your views on reforms to disability benefits and how this will be taken forward by reform Disability forums are full of people in abject fear of what is to come. Its hard enough living with these disabilities and this insecurity day in day out but having total uncertainty of where reform stands is making it's almost impossible to decide how to vote.

    Please also see my submission to the green paper about the proposed PIP reforms below.

    I think one of the main things to consider from this submission is that there is such a large underlying scandal behind the abuses of the DWP that if this fully comes to light it could easily compete with the post office and blood scandals. I think the next government should be incredibly careful with the reforms to not push us to the point of mass litigation against the abuses already acknowledged as traumatic and needing redress by the UN. The proposed PIP and ESA reforms would be the last straw for many of us pushing us to this.

    I would be so grateful if you could be so kind in responding to this email as i have read labours manifesto regarding benefits & to be quite honest it just seems that labour will just be carrying on where the conservatives left off with their cruel policies on the disabled people.
    I feel more clarification is needed as to enlighten the burden on disabled people (like myself) & not left in the dark on this serious matter.

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    · 9 months ago
    Again as they will never have sufficient MPs to form a government it is not worth any further discussion. I have my suspicions when elected they will merge with the conservatives so my point in the conservative section would be the same.
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      · 19 days ago
      @Lynn Sheridan At the time of writing this comment (and of Feb 2025), we know the outcome of the election. 
      Unfortunately, Mr Farage is still so arrogant as to believe that disafected Tory MPs will defect to his Reform (Party? / Ltd Co ? Is he Leader or Owner? Not sure which it is now.) 
      Unfortunately for us, and the country, he's (or his party/business) just had a massive financial injection from (probably) the world's richest man. Don't expect him to do any great works for ordinary people though... 
      Seriously, donations from foreigners, especially those with a role in another country's government, should not be allowed to make donations to any UK political party or politician. 
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    · 9 months ago
    There seems to be a totally lack of understanding in what PIP is for if they insist on face to face assessment.  Unless this also includes home visits and online zoom calls.  I could never have got to a face to face meeting being so unwell. 
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    · 9 months ago
    It's barely worth worrying about given that they're not even a proper political party, they're a limited company, funded by the extremely wealthy whose sole purpose is to push politics further to the right for their own benefit. They have zero interest in making life better for ordinary people, as evidenced by this dog whistle 'manifesto' The IFS this morning calculated that their 'costings' for all their false promises are out by tens of billions of pounds. Don't even bother.
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      · 9 months ago
      @Aw A failed analysis as no evidence to back up its claims other than costings but as a party they are hardly unique on that!

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