Reform UK has published its manifesto today.  It has less than half a page of text on benefits, under the heading “The Benefits System is Broken” and featuring a slogan of “In Britain, if you can work, you must work.”

On PIP and the WCA, Reform says: 

Face to Face, Not Remote Assessments for Benefits

Personal Independence Payment and Work Capability Assessment should be face to face. We will require independent medical assessments to prove eligibility for payments. Those registered with severe disabilities or serious long-term illnesses would be exempt from regular checks.

When benefits and work carried out a poll of readers two years ago on what sort of PIP assessment they would prefer, the results were:

  • Paper 59% 
  • Phone 20%
  • Face-to-face 20%
  • Video 1%

So this is a move that would be unpopular with the majority of Benefits and Work readers

The remainder of the text is devoted to raising the starting point for tax to £20,000 a year and an aim “Motivate up to 2 million People Back to Work”.

Reform say that:

“Reforms to benefit support and training will help people back into work. Particular focus on 16-34 year olds. Employment is critical to improving mental health. Tax relief for businesses that undertake apprenticeships.”

The manifesto goes on to warn that:

“All job seekers and those fit to work must find employment within 4 months or accept a job after 2 offers. Otherwise, benefits are withdrawn.”

You can download a copy of Reform UK’s manifesto from this link.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 7 months ago
    A bit of clarity at last those with serious disabilities and long term health conditions be spared assesement no one got a clue about labours policies on welfare...
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 7 months ago
    The Reform party would be laughable if they were not so dangerous.  If you receive any state help voting for them is like Turkeys voting for Christmas.  I am not Labours greatest fan but to get this lot out I will vote Labour

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