The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    E Adams. · 2 months ago
    You should leave the pip as it is. not vouchers i use my pip to pay for  help for every day care. Its a dissgrace to take it away. I am in my 70's  
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    Susanne Blainey · 2 months ago
    This is a crazy idea that not only belittles the disabled but won’t work in practice. In addition it will cost more to administer. What is the point of this? They have already proved there is statistically no fraud in PIP so what are they trying to achieve other than to humiliate those who are already struggling and disadvantaged. The scheme is despicable.
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @Caroline Oh dear, I'm just trying to reason how a voucher system would work in practice i.e,  instead of cash to pay for things, vouchers could be exchanged for the same things. That wouldn't be as bad as what people are imagining, if they were still having their needs met.
      We must try to find a positive in this instead of panicking and saying, 'no to vouchers '. The Government aren't going to read these comments.
      Perhaps you should save your anger and outrage for the Government.
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @Fed up with yet another chang The vouchers might cover the cost of fuel for people who need a car due to their disability 
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @Caroline Well of course they do, so what would be the difference between using cash for these things or vouchers?
      Other countries use vouchers to make sure the benefit money is used correctly on disability related things and not used for things that aren't related to the disability.
      I receive pip and I don't have a problem with vouchers as long as they can be used for the liquid food I need 
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @Fed up with yet another chang There could be vouchers for fuel and heating, who knows. I'm sure the Government will have to consider all of these things when they do their review but who knows?
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      Caroline · 2 months ago
      @Anon You talk like we're all children, I find your tone and reasoning disturbing and deeply insulting. Do you really think people don't buy food and travel to appointments already? 
      It's despicable.
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    Barbara Waters · 2 months ago
    This is so cruel and callous vouchers and catalogue are not that much use,I have to pay alot of things with cash ie cleaning as I can't do it myself I have to pay for a chiropodist as I can get down to do my own, have to have my ears syringed 3 or four times a year taxi's to appointments if my son can't take me as I pay him for petrol my to sons come around regularly to do me meals and I don't expect them to do it for nothing,most things need cash to pay for all things I have that I've stated above and plenty of other things,we are just third class citizens to them,we don't matter at all ,the consultation form I cannot do it or understand it could have been made easier 
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    Richarfd · 2 months ago
    What can we do
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    Haz · 2 months ago
    it will not work .period .
    why pick on the disabled -ask any disabled person they would love to have the health & capacity to be able to work -any health Politian out there wanna swap lives -No i thought not 
    what a Bird Brained idea .
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    Roo · 2 months ago
    very Discriminating system -hard enough having to ask for help let alone deal with catalogs or vouchers ,cost of living  & inflation rates mean disabled people need money to be able to use on whatever they need without restrictions which are at best dehumanizing & appalling i thought pip was not income bases unlike universal credit what idiot [who has not lived as a disabled person] would put such a ridiculous suggestion forward & worse still what IDIOT government would act on said ridiculous recommendation /idea its  preposterous. it just will not work and would leave the most vulnerable people in our supposedly caring society devastated & probably leave them into poverty at best ...words fail me.
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    Lorraine Anning · 2 months ago
    For me this would cut off all my pip spend having a significant problem with food allergies and being coeliac and lactose +maize starch intolerant. I cannot buy food from supermarkets. I have physical problems that require me to buy specialised seating. I have a PA that assists me with the things I cannot do for myself. The hours do not qualify me for direct social care payments. To make my garden accessible I have to regularly make changes and this and basic garden maintenance needs paid gardening assistance. I have breathing issues so have recently had to buy a fan with air filtration so my allergies do not overwhelm me. All of these issues I can respond to weekly currently using the funds from my PIP payment. Due to ongoing physical changes making it difficult to dress/undress I change sizes in clothes . I buy most of my clothes second hand and due to  2 types of baldness I need to wear a wig. Due to maize starch being added to drugs I have to supply my own digestive enzymes as those available by
    Prescription I cannot safely take. The changes suggested would make
    It very difficult to live a healthy lifestyle. I receive pension credit as well as state pension but without ready access to PIP cash I would find it very difficult to purchase foodstuffs and the help and assistance I need on a daily basis. I appreciate that these issues may only apply to a limited number of people but there should be an option to show that the changes recommended when applied to people like me would make my life much more difficult than it already is.
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    Dave · 2 months ago
    I live in a village vouchers are no good to me, get your act together your going to destroy people's lives, 
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    Ase · 2 months ago
    As a carer for my ASD adult son who needs help with getting around in unfamiliar or long distance places under planned journeys the voucher system is laughable ?! So are they giving out ebt style food vouchers leisure, clothing, heating, petrol and replacement furniture broken items and his personal mobile phone bill etc? ... I don't think so ... Certain conditions or illness or award levels might be okay with part cash awards ... The rest will have unspent wasted vouchers piling up because they're worthless as they are not being targeted correctly with a one size fits all. Focus on limiting on getting out free housing and benefit to asylum seekers... We need to free up huge resources there imo.
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    Eleanor · 2 months ago
    Vouchers are a stupid idea I can’t pay my cleaner or put petrol in my mobility car or purchase food paying household bills as I can’t budget for heating bills they are never the same from month to month the list is endless i never thought for one minute that labour would even consider this idiotic idea I am shamed that I as one person helped to put them there  it takes away privacy using vouchers everyone will know your business 
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    William · 2 months ago
    We listened to you during your election campaign and gave you are VOTE.
    Now listen to us and give us your VOTE of confidence.
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    Allison · 2 months ago
    To whoever is in charge of this decision!
    We,the disabled community, are all eligible for the monthly PIP payment. We've gone through grueling assessments and a claiming process which has made the majority of problems worse. Now,you are going to take our regular monthly payments,which we rely on,and tell us how to spend our money! Getting rather Big Brother-ish don't you think?
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    R Smith · 2 months ago
    Hi, the PIP payments to a number of my clients are assisting in payments of rent, travel to work costs and general daily living expenses such as fuel bills.

    Can any of this cash usage be claimed as not being used to maintain personal independence ?

    One case study of a client who works for 30 hours per week and is receiving standard daily living and enhanced mobility from PIP. There are no other benefit payments are claimed by this client because of the hours worked and income earnt. 

    Without the help provided from the PIP awarded 'cash' payments, this client would have to give up hours to qualify for UC to apply for house rental costs and have to undergo the rigors of the system in being chastised for giving up work and then be expected to regain those hours to come off benefits in line with the new 'back to work' style programs.

    The offer of therapy would also be useless for this client as they have a privately paid therapist through their PIP payment to alleviate issues with the work they do and not for any kind of mental health issue.

    R Smith
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    Alybill · 2 months ago
    Having cash enables me to purchase items that I consider useful to me, vouchers and or catalogue are very restrictive. What would happen if I wanted an item or service that wasn’t in the catalogue and what if the vouchers were for time limited. I can foresee not all the voucher or catalogues money being used but my personal needs not being fulfilled. Many people claiming benefits are made to feel guilty about claiming benefits and changing the system will cause trouble to many people. Vouchers and catalogues say people are not able to cope with the present cash system. I have Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis a rare illness bilateral peripheral neuropathy which gives me pain every day affects my sleeping,
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    Elaine OKoro · 2 months ago
    A voucher scheme will not work with people who have medical and/or support needs.Yes there maybe a need to reform the benefit system but not by making the claimants feeling less than.The attitude and stereotype that we are all scroungers on the system needs looking at. not .
    When the system that "allows" thousands of pounds to be abused by those who know how to work the system.That needs to be looked at not a cost cutting exercise that targets the most vulnerable .
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    Brian Marriott · 2 months ago
    Voucher is not good for me it will not work we need money not voucher 
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    Charle Webb · 2 months ago
    This is a disgraceful attempt eradicate the reality of disability.Any money I receive is spent mostly on taxi fares for instance to the far flung places I have to go to attend multiple hospital appointments.What am I supposed to do with vouchers in shops I can't get to
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    Paula · 2 months ago
    Once again the vulnerable are targeted! Whoever had this idea never had to struggle financially.  We run our car to take my husband to chemotherapy/radiotherapy appointments,  how can we do that with vouchers.  Things are terrible enough as it is, without now having to worry about this on top of everything.  These people are have been awarded these payments for a reason, it is extremely cruel to take them back.
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      Fed up with yet another chang · 2 months ago
      @Paula I get stressed with vouchers etc, I never spend my tesco ones as its too stressful working out how to do them, checking they are in date etc etc, it's all so stressful and overwhelming when you feel ill.

      Working is easier than being off sick.more straightforward but if you have certain disabilities work is extremely difficult.

      Work earns you much more than pip as well.

      Maybe correct medical diagnosis, quick surgery or correct medicine, would prevent long-term damage to health and allow people to work and earn alot more than benefits. 

      Terrible to penalise disabled people like this, taking away normal independence and choice to keep your self alive. Its survival for many and pip cash helps to stop you going over the edge by buying what you need, when you need it, from wherever you can get it as cheaply as possible.

      Will the catalogue be a privatised company owned mainly by MP's and their cronies???
      That's where you need to go looking for fraud! Not disabled people who are already struggling!
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    John Downham · 2 months ago
    The most ridiculous ifra to rver come out of the government. Will cause the disabled to feel like 3rd class citizens. Needs this stupid idea scrapping asap.
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    Karen · 2 months ago
    Pip should be left as it is, vouchers are just another way of making us feel like 3rd class citizens. Vouchers won't help us pay our taxi fares to and from GP/hospital/physio appointments etc. My bills get paid by direct debit as do many others, as we can't go out. This is just another step to a cashless society, are those that can work going to be paid partly or all in vouchers? The government are already checking our bank accounts so they can see what we're using our pip for. Please leave the pip system as it is, we don't need anymore stress on top of our disability and health conditions.