The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Chip · 2 months ago
    PIP claimants needs are so varied that a voucher scheme is simply undeliverable. 
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    V.coup · 2 months ago
    PIP is supposed to be there to support people who require things to help them and the additionalcosts of being disabled. Vouchers will not do this. It dehumanises the person. 
    A massage therapist will not accept vouchers, neither will occasional staff for cleaning or care

    Given the horrendous nature of the PIP assessment/MR/APPEAL/TRIBUNAL that the majority of claimants have to go through,  if we are eligible for PIP then we can use the money as we see fit. It is not down to the government to dictate how we can use the money we are eligible for. 

    The government already considers those on benefits as 3rd class citizens. By giving us vouchers they are stating that we dont have the ability to function in society.  That we are less than human beings. 
    Being disabled in an abelist society is degrading enough, don't make it more so 
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    jamesy465 · 2 months ago
    I have now been on pip for about 15 months and since qualifying for it i have been over the moon with how it's changed my existence / life ! Before i was unable to enjoy my life as i had hardly a penny left of my benefits ! It was a hand to mouth way of living , very few little pleasures and always stressed out about being able to remain in my apartment and live a normal life as such ! It's not a life of luxury but i have my dignity and self esteem back ! How these new proposals as i see it will turn things for the worse is plain to see , we shall revert to the same begging bowl economic's that the tory gov instigated ! God bless us all if they do change to these new proposals !!!!!!!!
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    S. Green · 2 months ago
    I have been told by my local council, that PIP is designed to pay for carers as well as equipment.
    Will carers accept these vouchers?
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    CaroA · 2 months ago
    I've sent a link to this page to my MP to ask him to please look at these comments (and forward the link to those in government with responsibility for this). I'm not sure if anybody will read my email but I just wanted then to see how distressing and actively harmful this proposal  would be.   
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    Paul · 2 months ago
    Voucher system won't work and likely end up costing the country more in the long run. Current system  would be replaced with what would  likely end up being  a complicated unjust and degrading system  ... People need to have the choice according to their disability to choose what best meets their  particular needs and actually having the money to help pay for it......This choice will be removed and disabled people really will feel like they are 3rd class citizens. Yes we need to look after our workers, children et al, but we must look after our disabled population too in a way which will uphold their dignity, giving them the choice to choose what meets their own needs and not ending up costing/stretching  our NHS services more because of people's deteriorating health conditions caused by the added burden of more worry and stress on how they are going to cope with their own activities  of daily living 
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    Si · 2 months ago
    Not a good idea how do you expect severely disabled  people  to manage I for one had a work place accident  I was awarded lowest rate pip it covers a few bills now. I am disabled also suffer with acute anxiety  worked 45 years I  think it is disgusting way to treat people by changing  it
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    Zoe beresford · 2 months ago
    I don't want vouchers 
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    Christine · 2 months ago
    Please, Liz Kendall, try to understand the vulnerability of the people you seem intent on upsetting. You will be spending a lot of money for no gain, but a lot of distress for people needing a lot of support. All this proposed action will do is make life even more difficult for needy and vulnerable disabled people. Please engage your brain before rushing to act.
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    Graham Pearson · 2 months ago
    These Vouchers are a blatant way of embarrassing disabled people, shocking if this is allowed, 
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    Jennie W · 2 months ago
    Form completed and sent by email. I realize that DWP would pass the PIP money through  to local government but I wonder who came up with the bright idea to expect local authorities & local NHS to pay out on PIP especially as some local councils are near bankruptcy 
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    jacqueline hogg · 2 months ago
    Probably like most disabled folks I have worked most of my adult life and paid my taxes and national insurance contributions, now I’m unable to work due to degenerative and chronic conditions I need a bit of help! I don’t want to feel like I’m begging or being a dredge on society!
    I want to still feel like a valued member of the community, not a beggar being handed vouchers!! Would you like your parents/grandparents to have to live their final years like this?
    Can you imagine what that would feel like? I’m asking you the Labour government whom I’ve voted for all my life. How would you feel if you had to take vouchers for something you needed?? It’s absolutely disgusting and degrading, pip as you know stands for PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE! That is to let people like me live an independent life without feeling totally inadequate about my existence. This has to be stopped immediately and let us know, as we are worrying ourselves to death. Our health is suffering even more than ever because of all the stress and anxiety of not knowing what is next!! I appeal to the labour government to allow us disabled people to live independently and with dignity? 
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    Andrew · 2 months ago
    I struggle to fill in forms at the best of times and this is no different...I'm struggling to fill it in.
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    Mel · 2 months ago
    PIP is intended for additional disability expenses. The additional needs does not confine in basic necessities which vouchers most used for ( food). The needs of disabled persons goes far beyond just putting food in their stomach. Social security benefits are protected under Human rights the protection includes freedom and privacy. 
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    Ian Gillan · 2 months ago
    Going about with vouchers or ordering from a catalogue will make many disabled people feel like 3rd class citizens.
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      Angel · 2 months ago
      @Ian Gillan Not only that it also takes money out of the economy small businesses etc
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      Andrew · 2 months ago
      @Ian Gillan Its not just that.....the suppliers will think of them as exclusive and know that the vouchers can't be spent everywhere, which means they can charge whatever they want. Devaluing the vouchers before you even use them to pay for things.
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    Adam Thom · 2 months ago
    There are many things pip is used for like paying for a cleaner or carer. There are other things that pop up at short notice like paying for a cab to go to appointments when you can't drive. Also extra heating or hot water because you are often having hot baths or electricity costs more due to certain equipment a disabled person may need. Some need a fan on constantly due to sweating and makes bills extra high
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    Arthur · 2 months ago
    While I took the greatest of pleasure watching the vile Tory party and it's vile Mps being voted out of office,power and in many cases out of a job.
    We shouldn't ever think they are consigned to history they will continue to point hatred at benefit claimants from the opposition benchs waiting as they do to seize power by any means Coalition governments any one. All of us who rely on benefits to survive should never forget the threat that the Tory party is to us all.
    I hope that the Newly elected Labour party who remain worryingly silent on Benefits do not forget that a great many disabled peoples votes got them elected and do not continue with the Tory policy of blaming benefit claimants for dragging the countries economy down just to pander to right wing papers and media.
    I hope they have finally realised that the support of disabled people is a good policy. The money benefits pay isn't stashed away like millionaires profit are. It is spent on our bills and needs which only helps the economy by creating financial flow.
    We will have to wait,hope and see that the labour party has finally learnt that looking after the ordinary people is what will keep them in power to hopefully build a fair society that works for all not just tax dodging big business and millionaires like our departed but not missed last pm Rishi.
    Here's hoping.

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      Sue edwards · 2 months ago
      @Arthur Labour will just pick up where concervatives left off regarding scraping cash pip payments and bringing in vouchers 
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    Stew · 2 months ago
    Shameful, disgraceful, outrageous, despicable, immoral, degrading, shaming, belittling, scandalous, appalling, shocking, disgusting, diabolical, unforgivable, ludicrous, preposterous, ridiculous, farcical, insane, idiotic, senseless, farcical.
    I tried to sum the voucher scheme up in one word? but there's no simple way of putting it, please stop this heartless onslaught on the disabled and making us beg with vouchers in hand with this far-fetched flawed scheme
    You also want to give a one off grant, well why not grant our wishes instead and leave things as they are instead of making the most vulnerable in society more Impoverished
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    Ronnie · 2 months ago
    Vouchers will not be suitable for everyone and by employing Vouchers is another step nearer to a 'Cashless Society', which the majority of people, especially the elderly, do not want.
    Cash is essential to the economy as a whole, most elderly people are used to using Cash and can budget accordingly, for their Bills, Food and Clothing. Many do not even possess Credit or Debit Cards or Internet Banking, but may have a Post Office Card to withdraw their Cash?.
    People were forced to get Bank Accounts when Pension Books, Giro Cheques and the like were discontinued, now High Street Banks are disappearing from the High Streets, but Post Office's can now dispense Cash, just like a Bank or Cash Machine. Their money is secure and readily available when they need it.
    Vouchers could easily be Forged unlike the current plastic Bank Notes in circulation today, where stringent security prevents and virtually eradicates forgeries, unlike Vouchers.
    Vouchers would have to be Printed and Posted out, causing more expense to the Treasury, which possibly could be misplaced, lost or even stolen in the Post, causing more problems to Claimant's if the latter applies, in having the Vouchers re-issued and posted again.
    The current system of Cash transferred into Post Office / Bank Accounts is secure and is working well, therefore, in my opinion, if it isn't broken, don't fix it. Thank you.
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      Rhiannon · 2 months ago
      Leave this comment on the Consultation page.
      It doesn't help leaving it here, the Government aren't reading this page.
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      Andrew · 2 months ago
      @Ronnie They are doing it because they can not get the permissions to look into peoples accounts to see what they are buying. It is revolved around the digital currency issue that the government (under sunak) had dropped but I'm sure Labour will bring that back in short order
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    Stephen · 2 months ago
    It just another kick in the teeth from the last Tory government I have cancer and am due to start my chemotherapy treatment next week, I also care for my 86 yr. mother who's memory is sadly going I need the money to pay my bills not vouchers or catalogues thank you.
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