The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Steph · 2 months ago
    I don't know if this is the right place for this post but is anyone else sick to the back teeth of this flurry of YouTube content creators who deem to be championing disabled people's rights whilst flaunting the fact they are on high rate living and high rate mobility pip yet seem to be perfectly capable of churning out videos on a regular basis, sometimes up to an hour in lengthen and in some cases even using these platforms to advertise their own products/services for sale?  Perhaps this is the reason why the Government feel the PIP process is long overdue for an overhaul.
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      mica · 2 months ago
      @Helen I appreciate what you say and I know only too well that many many disabilities are hidden.  However, what irks me is the way certain YouTube individuals complain of very severe and virtually constant lethargy and pain yet they manage to churn out lengthy videos on an almost daily basis as well as running a "consultancy" agency in which they offer assistance with filling out PIP forms at a cost which can easily exceed many hundreds of pounds at a time.
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      Helen · 2 months ago
      @Steph From a disabled person who runs a blog aimed primarily at disabled people, you fail to understand that disability impacts people in different ways. I create regular content and I'm affiliated with two companies, but I would struggle to do a "normal" job as I find travel very difficult without support and can't use stairs or lifts, I also struggle with chronic pain and need to use adaptations and assistance sometimes. All in I qualify for "the full whack", even if I don't like that being the case, my solicitor told me to go for it because I'm entitled to it. Years ago I was promised help to set up self-employment - I never got it. If our new government is going to support people like me in turning my business into an earner  then I support them fully and will gladly work with them, but the last "disabled-friendly" job that I got offered was working as a shoe shiner in Shoe Zone, which I couldn't do, because of my physical health. Remember, disability isn't always about what you see - it's also about what you *don't* see. Please don't judge others, you don't know what battles they're facing 😊
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      Theresa · 2 months ago
      @Steph You walk in my shoes for a month...... I live alone, have chronic fibromyalgia, ME, neuro damage and osteo arthritis. Once you come to terms that you are in no way able to cope with sustained working, then give me your solution to living independently. I always worked and had to be forced into giving it up which then made me feel like a sub species of a human being even before having to cope with the income challenges brought to my life. When did most people last have a holiday? I can't even have a couple of days away and boy, do I need a break. That's a luxury in pip recipients' speak, but translates strangely into a necessity for those "in work". See - already we see a pattern of inequality and who would happily choose this "life"? I hate being me nowadays and feel more and more that the only solution that any govt would like is to either starve people like me to our grave, drive us over the limit so that we become even more of a burden or we are pushed to the point we do the job for the govt and remove ourselves out of the picture for ever. This is not living, just existing and having to repeat it every day.
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      Liam Attrill · 2 months ago
      @Steph Point well made 
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    Kieran Harland · 2 months ago
    I have Autism and transfering PIP to vouchers is a bad idea, what if their are vouchers that I don't really like and I will lose out when it expires. I don't want vouchers, I want PIP exactly as it is and plus it's forcing us to work where some of us can't work because of our mental health.
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    Mary · 2 months ago
    How degrading for a disabled person in having to ask for vouchers. 
    What if the disabled person needs to put extra money on fuel?
    What if the disabled person needs a taxi for hospital appointments?
    What if the disabled person already has equipment and does not need any more?
    One of the main factors for a disabled person is PAIN, how can vouchers help?
    England is one of the worst countries as far as disabled persons are concerned.
    Politicians should try putting their selves in a disabled shoes, and see if these "vouchers" would help!
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    Brian Marriott · 2 months ago
    People need pip money to pay for stuff don’t remove pip money as voucher to a stupid idea no where will help depression or nothing people will only end there life 
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    Jessica · 2 months ago
    I hope the labour party never does this vouchers thing

    I'm not sure if comments will be seen but if they are please don't change it to vouchers 
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    Tracy · 2 months ago
    It is hard enough to live with disabilities and financial hardships without a Government treating us like children with vouchers, this will leave us poorer as we will be unable to pay for certain things . No doubt it will be another government ‘mates’ scam and we will be only allowed to shop at certain places!! This is quite frankly inhumane and degrading 
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    Si · 2 months ago
    Poverty and mental health related suicides will sky rocket
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      Ralph · 2 months ago
      @Si That is probably what the government wants. 
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    Steph · 2 months ago
    People should remember that it was a Labour Government that first came up with the idea of swapping DLA for PIP.
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      Ellie Kate · 2 months ago
      @Steph Actually it was Cameron's cronies that swapped DLA to PIP 6 months after he said nothing would change re Disability benefits in his Policy speeches at that election.. I had an Indefinite Higher rate DLA award in 2011 that got destroyed after PIP which was introduced by Ian Duncan Smith. Labour was not in Power at the time PIP came in. I have been fighting my cause at PIP assessments ever since with loss of money because I never ever get the higher enhanced care rate that I did have only the enhanced mobility rate which saved my motability car... I will be 66 at my next review so I hope they leave me alone and for God's sake don't give us vouchers instead of hard cash. We are not kids with pocket money.. we are downtrodden disabled sensible human beings in pain and have more stress than any other part of society because we are always the ones who get treated like we are something on the heirachy's shoes! Until they walk in OUR shoes they have no idea how much cash means to us, not a piece of monopoly paper that cannot be used for the essentials!. :(
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    Lawrence · 2 months ago
    They think treating people like children is an answer? What an insulting degrading and ultimately ridiculous proposal, how what way would they have any idea how a disabled person has to juggle their money and life to survive, I hope they are prepared to double the money in vouchers then so everything can be paid for PIP doesn't pay for everything it's literally a plaster that helps, sometimes you have to go hungry to pay a bill, sometimes you have to spend more on transport or clothes or equipment or something you didn't account for, it's survival not a career move or a job where you are given expenses like in Westminster,  telling grown adults how and when and on what they spend money is not only degrading, it doesn't and won't work, life is not constantly the same,,especially for a disabled person, how dare you treat everyone like dumb cattle that don't know what's best for themselves 
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      Janette Ann · 2 months ago
      @Lawrence Here, here.... I couldn't have put into words your statement. But like you it's heartfelt by me and I'm sure many other disabled people out there who feel and think the same as yourself, what you say is true and government don't know what it's like sitting on our side of the fence? 
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    Mark Smith · 2 months ago
    Why did I vote labour !!!
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      Jules · 2 months ago
      @Mark Smith I didn’t 
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      Michael · 2 months ago
      @Mark Smith With respect, you are very gullible if you believed they would change proposed recommendations. They will just pass it off as a Tory policy and people who can't think for themselves will believe it.

      Welcome to stupid Britain.
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      Ellie Kate · 2 months ago
      @Mark Smith We had no choice really did we?.. we get stung whoever is in power :(
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    David · 2 months ago
    Hello My is David I am 69 years of age I have stoma on my belly, that means that I do not go to the toilet because it goes into the bag on my belly. I need money to help to pay for thing that I need to buy not Vouchers the government whats  England to be like the  USA is now, I do not live in the USA I live in England so please leave England a only ok.
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      Shaz · 2 months ago
      @David It is my understanding that PIP is meant to help a person with their daily health issues, not their food shopping of which i assume the vouchers will be for. What use would the vouchers be in terms of helping each disabled person with their individual daily health issues? No thought has gone into this government idea.
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    dgc · 2 months ago
    I am a carer for my wife who is unable to walk due to heart and lung problems along with needing two new hips. PIP helps pay for our car which has a hoist in the back for a wheelchair, as elsewhere noted vouchers are no use for paying for buses, taxis etc. The bus service is next to useless with only a bus every hour if they do not cancel it and taxis drivers charge a premium rate as they know you may not have any other choice. We are in rural area, the local hospitals may only be 8 - 10 miles away but you might as well say they are 50 miles away as there is no direct route to them without having a car.
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      Gina · 2 months ago
      @Anon Anon…You haven’t got the faintest idea have you ???? What about my carer … do you think for one moment she will accept vouchers instead of money???? Would you?!!!  And I want a choice if where and who I buy my disability equipment from 
      Not some government catalogue !!!! What about servicing and replacing batteries for my scooter  will the mechanic I call out accept vouchers for payment ????
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      Michael · 2 months ago
      @dgc Your car, if used for the correct purpose you say it is, will most likely be unaffected (for the mobility element)
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      Chris · 2 months ago
      @Anon What happens when you already have all the equipment do they stop your vouchers, we have a motorbility car will that be taken away
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      Frances · 2 months ago
      @Anon Anon....have you any idea what your talking about? I think not.I presume you have never had the misfortune to live on benefits.Life is tough for everyone but giving disabled people vouchers? There is no mention that I can find that explains what the vouchers will be for..will utility companies accept them? Grocery shops? Clothes shops .Electrical shops....the list goes on...don't you think people would choose health over vouchers if they could? Why don't they roll it out for trail on MPs map prime ministers and his brood and people over a certain income.the idea would be scraped quicker than you could adding this to the blink.diaabled.people have a lot to worry about without adding this to the mix.
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @dgc The voucher system will be to buy necessary equipment based on individual needs. 
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    Janet Richardson · 2 months ago
    I'm don't understand how the new side of mobility is going to work yet when people rely on that money to pay for cars and those that don't use it for scooters or electric wheelchairs but has for the care side of pip I pay the county council £400.00 a month towards my care out of it what's left goes on the gardener x2 a mth & the  window cleaner 2x a mth if this makes me living it up on benefits government you know where you can put it 
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    Angel · 2 months ago
    I put down it will push people to the edge and that the end result is with them
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    Lin · 2 months ago
    You can't pay gas and electric with vouchers .shocking to take our pip away .Will be on the streets

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    Mary · 2 months ago
    Pip is the only payment some people recive so why take it away. This country is making people poorer 
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      Carole · 2 months ago
      @Mary I am absolutely appalled at the proposal to these changes. It will drive already disadvantaged individuals into poverty and likely to create a stigma around disabled people, so that they will end up being more disadvantaged than they already are. People will take their own lives due to further isolation and not being afforded the opportunity to access things, other than what is in the catalogue. It reduces choice, further restricts and compounds their already fragile states of minds with what they have to live with. This is discrimination in the biggest way and is likely to cause resentment by care givers and open them up to abuse, as well as being screwed by their own government.

      I can see it now, from early detection of pre-birth. People will abort babies that have disabilities because they are not supported in a way that they have known their government can and has support.

      You cannot proportionate what is more important when all these factors constantly rising in inflation. 

      This will wipe out the protected characteristics that disabled people are protected upon and cause another unprecedented episode that will harm all concerned.

      This is despicable, cruel, discriminatory and will cause a ripple effect, all round.
      You will see.
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    E morton · 2 months ago
    People need pip  please dont change to vouchers how will that help including myself i have to get taxis to hosp every week having vouchers wont help that
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    Ian Graham · 2 months ago
    I worked fo 30+ years as a qualified nurse until I became unable to work because of disability I have paid my full Stamp all my life and therefore obviously I now at 70 years old I get my full old age pension. However, with multiple different conditions heart, lungs, circulatory, arthritis et cetera my needs are various and cannot be simply solved by vouchers.. I use extra electricity to keep warm. I have a carer who luckily is a member of my family and does not charge me for their help. 
    my electric and gas bills alone, total up to more than £400 a month to keep me warm
    And I am on a specialist diet that cannot be bought cheaply. Petrol costs are now going up again so appointments at the hospitals are costing double not to mention car parking, et cetera, and there is no public transport links within a mile of my house. 
    For people of retirement age you are no longer able to work. The PIP system is better than vouchers and I would strongly suggested least for this age group. This system would continue.
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      Steph · 2 months ago
      @Ian Graham Why just for your age group?  Surely as a qualified nurse you must know that illness does not discriminate against age??
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    . · 2 months ago
    So scared. 
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    We need help. · 2 months ago
    I wonder how many of us will no longer survive if they do this. 
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      Simon · 2 months ago
      @We need help. I will be one of them unfortunately. No car, won't be able to afford heating at all. I mean it's enogh of a struggle as it is. I've been saving for 18mths to buy a new wheelchair not an xbox or a holiday a wheelchair lol. Exciting I know. I now feel the chair will have to wait as I may need the money for basic bills. Anyone who tell you being disabled is fun and easy really has absolutely no idea. One superpower/curse I wish I had would be to just place my hand on someone and just temporary give them my pain. I genuinely think 9 put of 10 people would just fall to the ground and cry like a baby. The other would at least understand. 

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