The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Jake · 2 months ago
    how are people going to afford bills and pay rent i contribution to pay fore care out my PIP that i get  need that to pay fore my scooter insurance and my day to day needs  i have long term illness skin conditions back of my legs i think its wrong that the tories picking on the disabled people its anther gimmick this will push alot disabled will end up homeless on the streets.
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    Mrs SMB · 2 months ago
    I have completed the form with your suggested replies.Thankyou for your hard work formulating.
    Please start planning our next response in the light of us now having no opposition party .There are more of us than them in order to have our voices heard we need a plan if this goes ahead .
    Consider consultation with uk column news Debbi Evans and how to bring together other pressure groups for maximum impact (groups acting on their own are not as strong as a joint effort).
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      CaroA · 2 months ago
      @Mrs SMB Thank you. We need to have an online forum where we can actually meet (face to face) and start to organise.  Anybody have any ideas?
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    Anonymous · 2 months ago
    Pip is for help because of disability so how can you pay for that with vouchers or things like taxis or disability products it’s madness I’m willing to give receipts for where I spend the money but as I need specialist products only one company does them so how will this work it’s madness and not right for purpose or practical 
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    Kieran · 2 months ago
    How i vouchers  supposed to help  i am a wheelchair user  and have epilepsy  and had heart transparent  which means regular hospital appointments  which  is expensive  along with i do get universal  credit  to as im unable to work  but won't  see that as it will  go on my rent wen i move  from the mortgaged property im in at the minute  so i depend on my pip  cash 
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    GM · 2 months ago
    This is useless!!! 
    I need pip to live? I am disabled and you’re going to make me use vouchers?
    Please rethink this \G/
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    Stephanie Young · 2 months ago
    I can not believe this is even being discussed, has anyone thought about the people suffering with anxiety and mental health issues. There are so many different disabilities and this is not the answer. This is treating people like second class citizens. The government may save money but are they ready to take responsibility of the consequence's of their actions!
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    Angela · 2 months ago
    How are people supposed to get to appointments in a Taxi as I’m sure they won’t accept vouchers. Taking that money away from vulnerable people will  be detrimental to their health and wellbeing, worrying how they are going to mange with cost of living going up all the time, even though I receive help with eye test and having the free frames it cost me £250.00 for the prescription. Then there’s dental care the list goes on. It’s absolutely cruel idea.
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    Kim · 2 months ago
    I do worry that Labour have not condemned this, PIP and disability aids are 2 totally different things, having a bath aid is supplied by social services, having a bath aid isn’t going to suddenly make someone not disabled.

    People use PIP to pay for things like additional care needs, expenses for mobility cars or taxis to medical appointments. How can these be paid  with Vouchers?

    I fear that Labour may continue this attack on sick & disabled people. 
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    Rupi · 2 months ago
    My mum has dementia the cash helps.  She needs help with bills and her disability needs. How will she manage she will not be able to use vouchers.  
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    Tina · 2 months ago
    I think it is really a waste of time giving vouchers instead of cash as it is going to take away freedom and independence to the disabled, it's not fair as they have very little independence as it is due to ill health, it's bad enough that they have to really one care and support with day to day tasks, and now giving vouchers will take away what little independence they have..
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      Scarlet · 2 months ago
      @Tina If they change how the payments are made then they will have to change the name of the benefit too. It's called PIP as it helps disabled people with their INDEPENDENCE to be able to live as close to a normal life as possible. 

      I lost my pip due to a change in medication. I changed my circumstances and all the money was taken away. I'm still fighting this. I can't use vouchers in places and what is a one off grant going to achieve. 
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    S. · 2 months ago
    I personally think it's a disgrace how the vunerable in our community are targeted. People do not choose to be  reliant on the benefits system they just have no choice.!! Maybe the ones who thought of vouchers should exchange their salaries for vouchers and see what a demoralising  scheme this really is.
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    A Hamblin · 2 months ago
    These payments are to help people less fortunate than those who are willing and able. 
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    RJ Lenton · 2 months ago
    Giving vouchers for PiP payments is as bonehead an idea as the universal credit card....
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    RJ Lenton · 2 months ago
    The (previous) government came up with this idea to save money....but they never look at other ways to save the country money..... like not taking huge pay rises for themselves from the public purse!
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    amy stewart · 2 months ago
    why would they suggest vouchers to pip claiments its an insult 99% of claiments would sooner be employed but unfortunately illness has took its toll and and genuinely its impossible to do this your daily life is hard enough and with the constant pain and struggles it does impact on your mental health but to suggest vouchers is absolutely disgusting people use the payment in different ways and it's needed for different things in order for you to manage your illness and get the help from others you need its demeaning and to have to use the said vouchers is just another added stigma attached to an already feeling of being useless and its embarrassing giving yet another lable to anyone who has a disability its hard enough I do think the idea is totally wrong think of the person and there struggles not the savings 
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    Debz · 2 months ago
    Pip vouchers are no good I use my money for going hospital  bus fare for my friend to come with me as I can't go out on my own and repairs to my mobility scooter and my husband pays for his out of his pip take that away and we are stuck in and the vouchers won't pay for a new mobility scooter or repair 
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    Matthew heppenstall · 2 months ago
    It's stupid giving vouchers out instead of cash people have bills on card to pay and also what if you need gas or electric or taxi to get to appointments because u can't walk you seriously haven't thought this through at all it's all about the government there not thinking of people's lively hood a lot of people are going to struggle we are in a cost of living crisis as it is this is just going to make life harder for everyone and it's rediculass 
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    Vicky Wilson · 2 months ago
    It’s absolutely disgusting-it will cost a fortune to implement and is a waste of tax payers money. My local shops/taxi’s ect WONT accept vouchers nor will vouchers cover my extra costs such as running my central heating which I have to have on most days due to problems with my immune system nor will vouchers pay my other bills. I do not waste my ESA /PIP but use it for essentials.I’m disgusted that Labour haven’t said wether or not they will abolish this. We are being made to feel like second class citizens and scroungers. I didn’t choose to be disabled but have done the best I could to contribute to society.
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    J D · 2 months ago
    Doing this to the benefit System could lead to mire homeless people due to the money they could lose out on as they need this money to aid their needs for there disabilities they have to contend with 
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    Pauline · 2 months ago
    I find the proposal of vouchers to replace cash payments very worrying. I have Autism and serious mental health problems, I have also, recently, been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease. I live on my own with no family at hand to help, so my PIP payments are my saving grace. 
    I sincerely hope our new government will scrap this scheme, because there are vulnerable people's lives at risk here.

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