The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Xoxo · 2 months ago
    I feel now worthless to society. I can't physically give anything so let's take everything away. My benefit is used to pay for the extra heating costs and basic food. I also would be totally housebound without my mobility car. I am only middle aged so all in all not much point to life. Just proves that I would be seen as a burden to society.
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    Sharon · 2 months ago
    Its absolutely disgusting trying to change pip I have worked all my life since I was 15 and 2 months before I was 60 I had to give up my job because of health issues. Its as if you are ok as long as you work but when you get health problems you are a waste of space why are they targeting the the people with health problems instead of looking at the young and lazy ones national service is a brilliant idea the ones in prison who are young and healthy start with them so you won't get over crowded prisons and there would be less violence on the streets 
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    Thomas Hughes · 2 months ago
    I cant cope with change my anxiety wont allow it please dont change anything 

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    Sharon · 2 months ago
    I use my pip money to pay my bills,don't want to have to go to vouchers,what good is it going to do for us disabled people,I doubt a lot of companies will take them 
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    James · 2 months ago
    I doubt that they will do the vouchers labour will probably see how it will mess disabled people's lifes beyond what they think I know it could still happen but me I don't find it likely 
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    Ingrid · 2 months ago
    I've been on PIP for over a year now and the minimum amount is pay into my account every 4 weeks, my health condition is not getting any better I rely so much on this money,I have 2 girls under the age I use the Money to buy food,pay bills,and necessary other expenses,I didn't choose to be Ill,I just hope the government keep helping us with PIP cash rather than vouchers please,is disgraceful picking on the disabled. 
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    Aw · 2 months ago
    I can't do it, every time I try I start to have a meltdown, go down a very dark hole which ends up with me feeling like this is just the universe telling me my time is up. I can't be the only person with severe MH problems who isn't getting their voice heard, maybe none of us can do this so how can they call this a comprehsive consultation? It's rubbish.
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    Sc · 2 months ago
    This is a ridiculous idea you will put so many disabled people into debt as they rely on it for bills its like we use my husband money for a gardener and bills it should be a choice where we can decide cash or vouchers they got penalised alot during the pandemic and universal credit claiments were getting extra but not pip it even got to court and thrown out so at least give them the option
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    CaroA · 2 months ago

    I'm not sure if the email address for the feedback for the consultation process was fully copied into my last post but I'm including this in case it wasn't.

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    CaroA · 2 months ago
    Thanks B&W for this timely reminder.  Just to say that we can contribute to this consultation process via email too.  The green paper includes the following email address for feedback.

    I sent the following email which I posted in another section on this forum.  Other people have also done this and have given their examples.  If anyone is interested in using any of it they are welcome to.  

    Dear Sir/Madam

    I am writing to express deep concerns about the recent proposal to reduce or alter Personal Independence Payment (PIP) disability benefits, including the suggestion of issuing vouchers for essential disability aids and services.

    As a recipient of PIP benefits and an individual facing long term disabilities, I find it necessary to share the significant repercussions this proposal could have on individuals like myself and the broader disabled community.

    In the spirit of clarity and effective communication, I will address this letter in three parts. First, providing feedback on the challenging consultation process; second, sharing thoughts on the proposed suggestions; and finally, considering the legal liabilities and potential group litigation implications.

    1. Feedback regarding the consultation process:

    The current consultation process, as detailed in the green paper, has presented significant hurdles for individuals such as myself with disabilities. Engaging with the online questionnaire proved to be too daunting, with a lack of essential accommodations such as a 'save and edit' button and misaligned page numbers complicating participation. The distressing and complicated nature of the process compounded the physical pain experienced.

    The timing of this green paper consultation (coinciding with electioneering) combined with its complexity has not inspired confidence in the disabled community to participate in the process.

    Years of dehumanizing treatment from repeated Work Capability Assessments have severely eroded my confidence in government and health consultation processes. The adversarial nature of past WCA assessments has fostered deep skepticism concerning the fairness of government initiatives, making engagement almost impossible. I'm writing this email (which has taken me weeks to put together saving and editing where needed) in the hopes that it will contribute to the process.

    2. Feedback on the proposed suggestions to replace PIP payments:

    Many of us have relied on basic disability benefits for years, striving not to burden the state unnecessarily by only claiming the basic ESA support group benefit, for instance. Facing the potential removal of the recently awarded PIP benefits in older life after years of navigating basic disability benefit poverty is unimaginably distressing. Countless older individuals in similar situations have managed with minimal state support, only to be confronted with the threat now of this potential loss of PIP. Many have needed it throughout their lives.

    I rely on PIP for crucial needs such as cleaning, therapies, dietary requirements, transportation, and specialized equipment. Disrupting this individually tailored essential assistance could have profound consequences on our well-being. Impacting delicate health equilibrium in this way to this sector of society will have severe knock-on effects to NHS and local care services, etc.

    3. Legal Liabilities and Considerations:

    During this new consultation, any government must surely take its existing legal liabilities seriously regarding the damage endured over years from the Work Capability Assessments. Government should consider the potential for group litigation with regards to this. Ignoring of the serious damage from the WCA assessment system whilst continuing to erode disabled people's lives and equilibrium with these latest proposals must surely point to short-term thinking not taking into account longer-term consequences of pushing us to the brink of litigation on-mass.

    While it is understandable that adjustments may be necessary due to the increasing burden of the disability benefit bill, it is crucial to acknowledge the lasting impact on individuals who have endured the effects of a system deemed traumatizing by the World Health Organization.

    As we contemplate potential changes, it is essential to handle any reforms with care, recognizing that future recipients may have different expectations compared to longer-term recipients who could be significantly destabilized by significant alterations.

    Thank you for considering these critical matters and acknowledging the perspectives of those directly impacted by these proposed changes. I hope that my concerns, alongside those of many others in the disabled community, will be given due consideration in decision-making regarding the future of PIP disability benefits.


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      Jax · 2 months ago
      @CaroA Well said my hubbys staying another year in work to help with the bills when really he should be retiring , if the pip turns into vouchers for me who is on pip where will the money come from I have been given 10 years for my pip it’s in black and white can they stop it? Is there a law that allows it to carry on  medical documents where given to the DWP too. It’s hard and upsetting going through assessments and all the paperwork stress high no sleep in more pain , do the government think it’s easy money to get if so they are living in la la land . How many disabled people out there are going through the stress, sleepless nights thing again all because silence is golden for the government 
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    Roseno · 2 months ago
    I'm worried sick about all this. 

    I have multiple auto immune diseases, inflammatory bowel disease and severe endometriosis.  
    The stress this 'green paper' has added to my everyday life in the past couple of months has only worsened many of my  daily symptoms and issues !

    I've always worked , until it became impossible for me to carry on working, and I'm sick to death of having to 'jump through hurdles' and 'navigate' this 'system' that penalises me for being sick and disabled!!!!! 

    Compared to other  countries we are given a 'pittance' and have to fight 'tooth and nail' for the 'breadcrumbs' we are given. 

    I voted Labour this election to get the tories out, in desperation and hope that they wouldn't be as cruel ......what's next for us ? The 'WORKHOUSE' ? At this rate I wouldn't be surprised. 
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      The Dog Mother · 2 months ago
      @Roseno Feel the same,think most if not all of us on here and beyond are really frightened. I just hope someone listens to our plight.
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    Snake · 2 months ago
    Stupid idea

    How would you pay taxis and bus fairs with vouchers

    Also epilepsy and personality disorders aren't a quick fix with things like this

    My pip goes towards art equipment and similar types of things that focus my mind, as I was in art therapy and my therapist (one of many over 35years) suggested I have alot more sessions only to be discarded by the group that was meant to look after me because they kept cancelling appointments during COVID and said you've been discharged because we ain't seen you

    I don't trust easily and being discarded again by this system sets me back every time

    This system can't work, we all have different needs and they can't cater to all of them with any of the systems they aim to put in place
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      Craig (pseudonym) · 2 months ago
      These are very good points.

      For transport costs (buses and trains depending on area), depending on the type of PIP they get, they have automatic eligibility to a free travel concession, but those who are not entitled have to go through the long process with the local council, which will require help from an organisation such as Transport for All, etc. Also, certain disabled people are unable to get a Taxi card or Dial-A-Ride membership; this is potentially a breach of the Equality Act 2010.

      If the Labour party becomes the 'red tories' by refusing to reverse 14 years of damages, the option is to put pressure on the general secretaries of the Labour affiliated trade unions; their names are:

      Roy Rickhuss CBE, General Secretary of the Community Trade Union
      Chris Kitchen, General Secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers
      Mick Whelan, General Secretary of ASLEF
      Maryam Eslamdoust, General Secretary of TSSA
      Dave Ward, General Secretary of CWU
      Christina McAnea, General Secretary of Unison
      Matt Wrack, General Secretary of FBU
      Gary Smith, General Secretary of GMB
      Sharon Graham, General Secretary of Unite the Union
      Naomi Pohl, General Secretary of the Musicians' Union
      Paddy Lillis, General Secretary of Usdaw

      The general secretaries must know that the degradation of the benefit system will cause issues for their workers because it will increase the number of shopliftings, disruptions, etc.

      This is why the disability groups need to carbon copy the names of the general secretaries to raise awareness about the impacts of the benefit reforms and to put pressure on the Labour government.

      And yes, I voted Labour to tactically get the tories out, but unfortunately, my local tory MP retained their seat.
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    Maria · 2 months ago
    How would vouchers help those with mental health issues?  I have non epilepticseizures and PTSD so am not allowed to drive.  I have had therapy and treatment for both etc and am awaiting more appointments so what would I do with vouchers and come to that, anyone else with mental health issues?  
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    Heather sharples · 2 months ago
    I'm hope in they don't change the money to vouchers as I rely on that money to pay my electric bill and paying my carer . I have a motorbility car which helps get me out . To lose that i would then be confined to my house as a prisoner and It does appear that there is a stigma against us people that have a disability which is wrong .  
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    Pj · 2 months ago
    I have a feeling that no one's opinion counts for anything!
    Disability is a easy hit, we are a burden and treated like one . 
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    Jennifer · 2 months ago
    Doesn't look  good for individuals on PIP, as the government are quiet about the new proposal.  No good news is bad news 😞 
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    NO NAME · 2 months ago
    I wondwe if the government would like to be our shoes if they replace the much needed cash. Vouchers for where M AND S or waitrose. Let them try living on nit alit. Most of us would rather not be on disability or PIP but unfortunately we have no chouce
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    Seth · 2 months ago
    Pip vouchers for cash is totally wrong I agree what 1 have read on this platform but how does vouchers pay for pip cars and will not pay household bills and food also everyday living I myself is disabled and disgusted if labour charges cash for vouchers, what are you looking to do put
     pensioner's back in full time employment and are yhe labour government going to cancel tv license for pensioner's over the age off 65 yrs of age, if not why would we need of a government go back on their promises and waste tax payers money purse.
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    Seth · 2 months ago
    Pip vouchers for cash is totally wrong I agree what I have read on this platform but how does vouchers pay for pip cars and will not pay household bills and food also everyday living  I myself is disabled and disgusted if labour charges cash for vouchers, what are you looking to do put pensioner's back in full time employment and are yhe labour government going to cancel tv license for pensioner's over the age off 65 yrs of age, if not why would we need of a government go back on their promises and waste tax payer's money purse.
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    indie · 2 months ago
    Government want to cut PIP and welfare payments, well they should cut the MPs allowances , 2nd homes and there expenses, rather than attack the disabled.  we did not choose to be disabled