How do you think Labour will treat disabled claimants if, as seems increasingly likely, they form the next government?  Will they be better or worse than the Conservatives?

Last week’s Labour party manifesto left our readers divided on what the future might be like for disabled claimants under Labour.  The document made few references to benefits and gave no clues as to what its attitude would be to major issues such as ESA to UC migration, proposed Green paper changes to PIP or how exactly the WCA might be reformed.

Many readers felt that Labour was just being cautious, because any hint of being soft on claimants would be jumped on by the right-wing press.

Others thought that Labour were saying little because they do not have anything positive to say to disability benefits claimants.  Some think there is little difference between the two parties and some commentors even believe that Labour would be worse news for claimants than the Conservatives.

Certainly, the manifesto could have offered some hope to, for example Carer’s Allowance claimants. A change to the current cliff edge earnings limit would not have major cost implications.

And, to ensure claimant safety, Labour could have offered to look again at the very tight ESA to UC migration deadline imposed on the DWP by the Conservatives.  Delaying the transfer would not cost anything, given that it was previously delayed to 2028 to save money.

Labour could also have stated in the manifesto that they would look at the Green paper proposals for PIP, but that it was unlikely that a voucher system or a catalogue would play any part in any future plans.  Again, this would not have had cost implications.

None of these undertakings would have offered much in the way of ammunition to the right wing press, but all of them would have reassured claimants that Labour would give them some respite from the current relentless attacks.

On the other hand, no part of Labour’s plans include cutting benefits in order to raise cash for other purposes, such as tax cuts.

And, whilst they have said they will replace or reform the WCA, they have not suggested that they will reform PIP.

So, if benefits will play a major part in deciding who you will vote for, readers will have to make an educated guess as to what Labour might do based on minimal information.

Knowing what other claimants are thinking may be helpful in reaching a decision.

So, please take part in our poll to tell us whether you think life would be easier, harder or much the same under Labour rather than the Conservatives and, if you wish, give your reasons in the comments section below.

You can only vote once and we’ll publish the results on Monday 1 July.

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    Annie · 3 months ago
    Labour's lack of specificity signals a lack of interest. Keeping it vague allows them to dodge having to do cost analysis. But Reeves has made her views known for years. She is a Tory wearing a Labour skinsuit. Just like the rest of the Starmerites.

    It doesn't matter anyway. Starmer doesn't really believe in anything other than believing he is always right. That's why pinning him down on policy is like pinning jelly to a wall. Doesn't matter what he says or promises, next week he'll change his mind.

    And, again, it doesn't matter. We're going to get a Labour govt it's just a case of how big a majority and who will be the opposition. Labour winning, or the size of the win, will be misinterpreted by Starmerites as a sign of support for them personally and their policies, when it is really a sign of how despised Tory party is and the need to get those ghouls out.

    We've had 14 years of a soulless, mates-rates, Tory government and now we're going to get another 4 or 5 years of pretty much the same. It is exceptionally depressing. Monumentally depressing.

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    Marie · 3 months ago
    I'm suspicious that labour have not expressed an opinion on the Conservative party's paper on PIP reforms when it's such a worrying concern fir recipients of PIP
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    Keith · 3 months ago
    I believe whatever government gets in they will do all they can to get everybody off either benefits or disability benefits because all governments think we are burden and want money to go elsewhere and I believe they think most people are to lazy too work 
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    Mike · 3 months ago
    Without any information it is hard to say but Labour seem to care more about disability 
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    Sheryl · 3 months ago
    I believe that Labour will be supported of disability claimants because any claimant who has a recognised disability proven by their medical history and evidence will not have to suffer the consequences of having to prove their disability. Disabled claimants who have long standing and medical conditions prove they have diagnosed and recognised disabilities which should and must be accepted instead of HCP assessors at the DWP attempting to circumvent the diagnosed medical conditions.
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    Porls · 3 months ago
    The Green Party seems to have the best laid out manifesto for disability benefits.  I will have to vote Labour in my area as they are the only competition for Conservative.  Labour have been vague and not said anything regarding reform of the PIP system I’m leaning towards them keeping as is, but making the Work Capability assessment clearer and fair.
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      Andrew Currie · 3 months ago
      @Marie Please don't vote for a party based on them being the party that gives you the best answer on one issue. Vote based on parties past record in government. Reform are more right wing than the Conservatives. They care nothing for the general population or for the future of the UK - read their manifesto. They are like the numerous obscure small party and independent candidates who just come up with wish lists with contradictory policies who have no idea about governing a country.
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      Marie · 3 months ago
      @Porls Hi Poris. I agree with you completely.  They are the only party who have responded to me with a clear answer and reassurance when questioned by myself. My Labour representative replied but did not answer my question at all. She just sent a copy of the manifesto which I had already read. Like you, my constituency has very little support for any party other than Conservative or Labour.
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    Sean · 3 months ago
    Labour are no longer for the working class. Their manifesto stated absolutely nothing. As I believe it’s our duty to vote I am willing to give reform a chance, as both of the main parties look really bad for this country. As reform say Britain is broke and busted. Big changes are needed.
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      wibblum · 3 months ago
      @Sean Reform are even more right wing than the tories, they'd happily see the disabled starve.
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    David Tudor Roberts · 3 months ago
    I am hoping and want to believe that Labour will back the many thousands of disabled people, however i'm not sure if that will be a priority for them as when it looks likely they will get the keys to No 10. 
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    Dennis Benn · 3 months ago
    I believe that a Labour government will be slightly better than the Tories. Only slightly though.

    Instead of investing in disabled people and giving them a fairer, meaningful way of life, they will probably be punished and seen as the problem. Thinking outside the box is called for. 
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    ArchiesMum01 · 3 months ago
    They were harsh on ALL benefit claimants last time & they have no reason to have changed, like the Tories, they are only interested in being able to show how much money they've saved, neither party is concerned about the effects these changes will have on people's lives
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    Gary Brown · 3 months ago
    I wanted to say Labour will be more supportive but due to an understandable lack of info I didn’t think I could. I am optimistic that they might though. 
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    Wendy Buss · 3 months ago
    Labour does not & never has supported the less able in our society 
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      Jack · 3 months ago
      @Wendy Buss The Labour Party has always been more in favour of the less able… it’s the last 14 years of torie government that has not been
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    Faith · 3 months ago
    We know for DEFINITE that the Tories will try to abolish PIP payments, and make ESA far harder to qualify for.  We do NOT know what Labour will do.  Therefore, if Labour get into power there is a chance that things will NOT be as bad as if the Tories remain in power.  Consequently, it is VITAL to vote out the Tories!  Sadly, Labour is our only hope.
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      Faith · 3 months ago
      @Will Sadly, there is no chance of the Green Party or the Lib Dems getting into power.
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      Will · 3 months ago
      @Faith As the B&W articles note the Liberal Democracy Party & Green Party have a more ‘disabled persons’ approach.
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    Longa bell · 3 months ago
    I think labour should look at genuine claimants, and not class them as other's gaming the system, by all means get them who are playing the system off benefits and into work, genuine people on pip should be left alone, not to suffer anymore.
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    Corsa40 · 3 months ago
    I’m 70 crippled with arthritis since age 50, due a light touch review, struggling to get equipment from social services, waiting list so long and then they can’t source it. I totally disagree with the voucher system, I use my money for equipment, carers when I need them, travel to and from hospital, heating etc.  I have voted labour all my life and I doubt I will change now but I live in farming country so unfortunately labour never win. I hope labour do get in as they seem to be the lesser of two evils.
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      Liz Hook · 3 months ago
      @Corsa40 I too use my PIP for heating , lighting and food bills plus money for buses to get to the hospital without it I'm at a loss how I'll make rent with just my pension next year , I'm arthritic with fibromyalgia.  Still unsure who to vote for might even vote Lib Dem definitely not Conservative anymore or Labour as I don't trust either right now
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    Symon Ramsay · 3 months ago
    I have been to circled through an accident at work for the past 46 years no party has been helpful. I just feel I’ve had a fight but  now I feel like in ending everything 
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      Will · 3 months ago
      @Symon Ramsay So sorry to read Symon about how you’re feeling ( I and many others here can identify with the hopelessness & despair mentality). Please share with family and friends or even contact charities ( Samaritans). 💜
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    Cleo · 3 months ago
    I feel the lack of any points in thiwr manifesto means that they are witholding this information because they have seen the effect it has caused with the conservative party and do not want to associate before election time. I feel it will be just as harsh if not worst.
    As a person with disabilities, this is important, I need to be clear on what I am voting for and labour is not clear.
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    Lynne H · 3 months ago
    I fear we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place - no party has actually said anything positive to encourage me to vote for them. But on the basis that I couldn’t bear another term of the Conservative Party shambles, I feel (reluctantly) that I will vote for Labour as they are the only party who can kick this lot out of Downing Street. They may not have said a great deal about benefits and us important disabled folks, but I’m praying that they will do right by us and for once, make us feel that we do deserve what we are entitled to and change the benefits system for the better, so we’re not jumping through every bloody hoop just to get a pittance to live off! 
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      Athena Reins · 3 months ago
      @Lynne H I think labour and conservatives are have the same policy if you do vote I would vote for an independent candidate.
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    TwistedWitch · 3 months ago
    Judging Keir Starmer by his actions as Labour Leader I fear that the Labour Party will be worse for disabled claimants than the Tories are/have been. Please do not think that they are the party of the NHS anymore either. The person going up against Jeremy Corbyn in Islington is all for Private Healthcare in fact up until last year he was the chair of a company running FIFTEEN private IVF clinics. Surely the LP would not be supporting such a person as their candidate unless his views fit with their own?

    If you have the option to vote for an Independent or a TUSC candidate in your area please give them your vote. This will water down the effect of whatever Keir Starmer has in mind for the sick/disabled if he doesn't have the thumping majority predicted. Please don't use that old trope of this making you a tory enabler. This election is the first in years where you can vote with your heart and not your head because the Tories are toast no matter how you vote! So don't back Keir Starmer and his policies or I am certain a lot of you will be ruing the day you 'held your noses and voted Labour to get the Tories out'.
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    Dapo · 3 months ago
    It is bad enough constantly fighting for breath as a long term sufferer of cardiac failure without any hope of transplant. Becoming an object for political ping pong by heartless politicians is the true nail on the coffin. Pun clearly intended.

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