How do you think Labour will treat disabled claimants if, as seems increasingly likely, they form the next government?  Will they be better or worse than the Conservatives?

Last week’s Labour party manifesto left our readers divided on what the future might be like for disabled claimants under Labour.  The document made few references to benefits and gave no clues as to what its attitude would be to major issues such as ESA to UC migration, proposed Green paper changes to PIP or how exactly the WCA might be reformed.

Many readers felt that Labour was just being cautious, because any hint of being soft on claimants would be jumped on by the right-wing press.

Others thought that Labour were saying little because they do not have anything positive to say to disability benefits claimants.  Some think there is little difference between the two parties and some commentors even believe that Labour would be worse news for claimants than the Conservatives.

Certainly, the manifesto could have offered some hope to, for example Carer’s Allowance claimants. A change to the current cliff edge earnings limit would not have major cost implications.

And, to ensure claimant safety, Labour could have offered to look again at the very tight ESA to UC migration deadline imposed on the DWP by the Conservatives.  Delaying the transfer would not cost anything, given that it was previously delayed to 2028 to save money.

Labour could also have stated in the manifesto that they would look at the Green paper proposals for PIP, but that it was unlikely that a voucher system or a catalogue would play any part in any future plans.  Again, this would not have had cost implications.

None of these undertakings would have offered much in the way of ammunition to the right wing press, but all of them would have reassured claimants that Labour would give them some respite from the current relentless attacks.

On the other hand, no part of Labour’s plans include cutting benefits in order to raise cash for other purposes, such as tax cuts.

And, whilst they have said they will replace or reform the WCA, they have not suggested that they will reform PIP.

So, if benefits will play a major part in deciding who you will vote for, readers will have to make an educated guess as to what Labour might do based on minimal information.

Knowing what other claimants are thinking may be helpful in reaching a decision.

So, please take part in our poll to tell us whether you think life would be easier, harder or much the same under Labour rather than the Conservatives and, if you wish, give your reasons in the comments section below.

You can only vote once and we’ll publish the results on Monday 1 July.

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    Jo · 3 months ago
    I can only go on personal experience with my local MPs. 
    When we had a Conservative MP and I needed help and support with issues on my Working Tax Credit I was fobbed off even at a face to face appointment indicating that he couldn't assist me. 
    A few years on from this, I had all my benefit payments stopped as PIP hadn't received my renewal claim. 
    I tried and tried to manage this by myself but at 6 weeks on with no money I was desperate. In the end I contacted our Labour MP.
    I received the opposite of my previous experience and I was treated with respect and a promise that they would see what was happening and they would call me back the following day with any updates. 
    As promised I received a call to say that they had spoken to PIP who would reinstate my payment and also my ESA. 
    They said that I would receive the backdated payments into my bank account within 2 days and then the rest of the money on my usual payment day.
    As I always keep a copy of any forms I send, I had been able to email the PIP renewal form to them. They had passed this onto PIP for me and said that it will probably take a couple of months on average to hear anything from them. I received a couple of telephone calls from PIP seeking clarification of information on my form and I was awarded Enhanced on each whereas before I had standard care and Enhanced mobility. 
    Due to my personal experience I am going to have to support my local Labour MP.
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    Linda Evers · 3 months ago
    Because I don’t think any of the parties actually have any idea of what life is like for those with life time disabilities. Why my husband who is disabled from having childhood Polio before the vaccines came available had to have his eligibility for PIP when he had to transfer from DLA challenged so that he had to go to a tribunal to get back his Mobility award and was only awarded it for a few years defies reason. Fortunately I was old enough to retain my lifetime award of DLA. 
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    Margaret G · 3 months ago
    Absolutely appalled that the Labour Party after 14years in opposition are too weak to state categorically how they intend to handle the tories green paper on PIP reform. Shame on them 😕.
    However I have to cling to a sliver of hope that they will have a little more compassion than the greedy tories. All we can do is pray and hope.
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      Tracey · 3 months ago
      @Margaret G The Labour Party won't have more compassion which is why they are deliberately not saying anything on the subject.  You will need more than hopes or prayers if they get in. They're more Conservative than the Conservatives who are at least up front 
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    T · 3 months ago
    I can't help but worry about Rachel Reeves husband and his DWP connection, think he's a DWP director... He's is definitely going to want the esa to universal credit speeded up as quickly as possible and no doubt she will make this happen and anything else her dwp husband wants in regards to benefits...
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      The dogmother. · 3 months ago
      @T @T From July2023 he was appointed 
      Chief operating officer and second permanent secretary at The department for Environment ,Food and Rural affairs.
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      T · 3 months ago
      @The Dog Mother Thank you . I'm glad he's not working there anymore. I can get a little bit of hope back (for now) they might delay the migration onto universal credit. 
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      The Dog Mother · 3 months ago
      @T @T From July 2018- Sept 2022 Nicholas Joicey ,Reeves husband  was Director General,Finance at the Dwp from what I hear. 
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    A Simmons · 3 months ago
    Labour = Conservative what they didn’t pinpoint says it all. 
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    Vazz · 3 months ago
    I believe the two main parties look down on disabled and ill people. The press treat us with disrespect. The first thing they do is go after the most vulnerable in society. When you have allot of money to fall back on and still be able to live comfortable in life, it is easy to disrespect those who haven't. Nearly all people become sick at some point in their lives and others severely.I would have loved to have continued with my job but was too ill to do so and I now have paralysis. Some people will take their lives if their money is replaced with vouchers because they need it to live from day - to - day. A society that does not look after the sick and afflicted and continually favours the rich becoming richer, is a disgrace  upon our whole nation. The smaller parties will offer anything because they know that they will not be in government.
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      Tracey · 3 months ago
      @Vazz It doesn't have to be a two party contest. There are better alternatives such as the Green party. Vote for an alternative and break the status quo
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    Pete L · 3 months ago
    The only alternative to the tories is a Labour Government. I have waiting 14 long painful years for the Tories to be gone. Nothing is certain until the 5th July however. I just despair . The lady opposite has a 24 year old disabled son. She is his carer. She would never vote anything but tory. Why do people vote against their own best interests? So to finish I urge everyone to vote and vote for the best option to get rid of a Nast corrupt evil incompetent Government 
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    Steven · 3 months ago
    I think Labour would be less harsh than the Tories but I wouldn’t think they would be much more so. Perhaps not going through with this PIP voucher scheme. 
    A thing they could do is to stop deducting the Carers allowance amount from someone on UC who is caring for someone. £81 for 40 hrs caring is remarkably good value. 
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    DENNIS F. · 3 months ago
    The reason I think labour will be as bad if not worse is something starmer said the other day when questioned on the very subject. He said he believes "people" would be better off in work, and his party would be working to achieve that. Or something along those lines, and he asent condemned the tory policies either. HmThen if it all goes pear shaped, he can just like the others, turn around and say it was a tory policy not theirs. I don't trust any of them they will tell you the moon is blue, ti get your votes.
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      Old Mother · 3 months ago
      @DENNIS F. Better off in work - if they are able to do so. 

      Many people with disabilities would like to work with the right support. 
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    Kat · 3 months ago
    Well I'm not happy months of sick note Britain scroungers I was close to ending it all the pure terror of knowing I wouldn't make it forced back into work labour been vile they know the effect this is having on all of is doesn't leave me feeling like we will be OK 
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    Janet Wright · 3 months ago
    I remember when Tony Blair became prime minister, the first thing he did was made everyone on DLA put through an assessment. I had to wait a year before I got an answer. I don’t trust Labour one jot.
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    Stew · 3 months ago
    The fact that labour are keeping quiet about disability benefits and benefits in general tells me not to trust them. With labour not being transparent it is very unfair and sneaky of them. Their behaviour makes me feel they are just going to continue with the shake up of benefits that the tories have started.

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    John A · 3 months ago
    The absence of any commitment is telling. The voucher scheme if replicated by labour could be more expensive take transport using taxis in a city can cost £3.00 per mile on more The disabled are slagged off for not working and v=being a burden. The tax man has made a profit off me for the last 42 years and continue to do so even though past retirement age. The equality act ca be summarised as everyone is equal but some re more equal than others discrimination is alive and well and could explain the denied opportunities for disabled people.
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    Julie strickland · 3 months ago
    As far as I'm concerned there is really not a lot of difference between sunak and starmer. I don't like the Tories but labour will look at their manifesto ideas on PIP etc and think we'll we could implement the same system . Labour have not come out and said what they are going to do about the payments. The voucher scheme will be disastrous, agree there are those that play the system that gives the rest of us a bad name and they should be dealt with. I use to vote labour bug now I'd consider giving my vote to the greens or liberal or sdp
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    Daz · 3 months ago
    Can't trust any UK government nor should we,they all pick on the easiest targets in the end
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    Ant · 3 months ago
    Labour would be more supportive . They are not saying this as the right wing news will have a field day .
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    GillN · 3 months ago
    I think that Labour under Starmer is too Centrist, unfortunately not the Socialist party it was under Corbyn. Tories have successfully emptied the coffers, meaning that Labour will struggle to implement many of their policies. Whilst Reform are splitting the tory party vote, it's a warning sign of a switch to less tolerance, and more racism  in this country. I still think that Labour will be the best option for those of us on PIP. Liberals and Greens may have a more sympathetic approach but they won't be leading the government in a few weeks time.
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    Barbara Waters · 3 months ago
    I really hope labour will treat people with more respect,this policy is callous and very cruel, how on earth are GPS and hospitals going to deal with people wanting letters they are under mega pressure as it is 
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    Eddiek · 3 months ago
    Its hard to say what Labour will do to disability benefits, but one thing for sure is the Conservatives appear to be making ruthless changes which does not sound good at all. I know it's a little like going into the unknown, but I think its high time the Conservatives went.
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    David · 3 months ago
    I first became disabled under a Labour government. It was Labour policies - and Labour direction of benefit assessments -  that gave me a gradual and humane path back into work. Despite my severe everyday challenges, a Job Centre advisor patiently assessed what I was capable of, and supported me in getting appropriate part-time work. Under that regime, medical assessment was respectful and fair. I also knew people in the Department, and watched aghast as the incoming Conservative government made their lives a misery by forcing them to put inappropriate pressure on claimants.

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