The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Betty · 1 days ago
    We need to start a some sort of campaign to stop this from happening.
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    Tina Freeman · 3 days ago
    The Government  should think about  people's,  rights. As this is a form of Control. Disable  people,  should have the right to use the money, to suit there conditions  and needs.   Would you be able  to use them on Line , That's how I get my shopping.   
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      Ind · 1 days ago
      @Tina Freeman I absolutely agree with there people should have the right to spend their benefit according to their needs. 
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    Simon · 3 days ago
    Not everyone would live near shops that will take the  vouchers and please think about the people that live in rural places with limited buses! Just not viable. 
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    Az · 3 days ago
    This is stupid it’s not our fault we have a disability  I rely on my pip for many things it’s there to help us why would labour take this away from us I’m now thinking why did we vote labour in the first place yes things weren’t going well with Richie sunac but rather him then labour they get a lot of money for doing nothing they have power noce big houses nice cars things like that why should we be deprived and left more and more poorer just so they gain more money for their self this is stupid i don’t have faith in labour anymore  
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    Jennifer · 3 days ago
    Government officials who make these impractical, ridiculous, degrading decisions are as thick as they come and have no idea about how things work. You can't pay tradesmen with vouchers ,you can't pay personal carers with vouchers.  For God's sake use some brains we know you don't have many brain cells but use the ones you have. Stop belittling the disabled ,you are taking away there dignity and self esteem.  
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    Von · 4 days ago
    Pip vouchers will not help me at all,im 63 suffer copd,emphasimia ,depression and back issues,vouchers would cause me do much loss,as i rely on taxis,home delivery,personal care
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    Jennie · 5 days ago
    I seriously hope that PIP payments aren’t changed to vouchers. If they do I would lose my home, Motability car, everything. I never asked to be left disabled by a Stroke when I was 37. If I hadn’t been left in this state by the stroke I would still be working.
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      Teresa · 8 hours ago
      @Jennie Totally agree. Some companys will probably not except vouchers because it will cost money to transfer to a new system wont work wont happen. 
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      Matt · 3 days ago
      @Jennie This government is cruel if they do this I will shut down completely and I'm 100 percent sure this will happen to all servely disabled and will risk lives I will never use vouchers it's degrading and I have no use for them as there basically saying you will have nothing and like it afterlife is better if this goes through I believe they already came to a conclusion as well that it was not suitable so why are they still trying to force it? 
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    Sonia · 6 days ago
    Pip vouchers will not work for me in many ways I’m a pensioner almost 70 yrs and don’t go out. Suffering with disability, have to pay from home how the vouchers will work for me 
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    Anon · 13 days ago
    I like how some media outlets are currently trying to sell 'people on PIP could apply for £800 income boost ahead of benefit cuts' as a headline and it's just advising us to sign onto Universal Credit or New Style ESA. Bold of them to assume a lot of us aren't on those benefits already. It's just not enough to cover household bills, food and care bills or whatever services we need due to our conditions. The underlying message seems to be 'well, able-bodied jobseekers manage fine on that kind of money' when 1) they don't and 2) even they don't have care bills to worry about it.

    But then a sudden thought occurred to me: without PIP, more disabled people won't be able to work and will have to sign onto UC/ESA and "increase the benefits bill" anyway. It angers me that both our government and taxpayers expect disabled individuals to work but they don't want to make any financial allowances for us to do so, not even paying for transport to and from work. They either want us to work or off ourselves so we're no longer a burden on the system. There's no in-between. The ableist rhetoric just makes me sick. They wouldn't be so quick to judge if it were them who had to depend on welfare to survive.
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      Jon · 1 days ago
      @Anon Ok see your point but some employers still do Flexi time
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      Dez · 3 days ago
      @Jon Bold of you to assume that this won't potentially change if PIP reforms are brought in. And I can safely confirm that you do need to be approved in order to get a free bus pass. Even now, I got turned away for one when I applied because I wasn't 'disabled enough'. 

      Thank God I can carshare with my flatmate to get to work but I doubt that'll continue if we switch to vouchers. I can hardly pay my share of the petrol money with those.
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      Anon · 3 days ago
      @Jon You’ve completely ignored the part where we’ve both stated that employers will not favour disabled workers entirely dependent on public transport even if it is free (especially before a certain time) which is the actual root of the problem here and not whether or not you’re being accurate or factual but OK. 

      Not to mention what you’re talking about is not automatic and it appears you have to go through an assessment to decide whether or not you’re eligible. Good for you if you found it a breeze but that probably won’t be applicable for everyone.

      It’s almost like there’s a benefit that exists for this kind of thing. I believe it’s referred to as Personal Independence Payment but I might be completely wrong.
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      Jon · 4 days ago
      @Matt At least you believe me
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      Matt · 4 days ago
      @Jon Bus pass: NOT BEFORE 0930. Try suggesting that to a potential employer.  They'll opt for someone who is allowed to drive.
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    James · 15 days ago
    As a disabled man and wheelchair dependent,living with a nurological condition on to of many health issues,i am dependant on my pip,it is my only source of income,it buys food to feed myself,electricity and gas,i dont go out like most people who work,like to the pub or other social gatherings,i use my pip to help my mental well being,to pay for transport to and back from clinic appointments.To buy clothes and to buy aids to help me live an independent life.
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      Matt · 3 days ago
      @Brian Marriott It has failed in outher countries So why are they pushing it They're basically sending death sentences to disable people And I'm pretty sure 99% of disabled people are against this there's no way there are people out there going vouchers would be nice and have no freedom whatsoever turning into a communist state the UK under starmer
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      Brian Marriott · 13 days ago
      @Jessica It won’t work it don’t work in different country’s voucher don’t do I don’t think it will happen 
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      Jessica · 13 days ago
      @James I'm getting ridiculously worried I'm not sleeping much do you think this will do it and if they do it how long will It take tham 
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    Jack · 15 days ago
    I can't express how terrified I really am, I have dyspraxia,autism and epilepsy and I feel like I'm being beaten more with these changes, I really am dreading what's coming it's awful.🥲
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    Ann · 16 days ago
    Surely they can be  spent everywhere otherwise what is the point of them  
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    Liz · 16 days ago
    When depression is so sever and anxiety crippling it is atrocious to put people under even more stress , no wonder poor souls take their own lives , they are almost pushed to it with lack of mental health services then extra pressures forced upon them , please reconsider this move .
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    Margaret Greenwood · 16 days ago
    I am old, disabled and a veteran, the winter fuel allowance has stopped, they now want to give vouchers instead of a payment for pip, I worked and saved for a pension which I get taxed on, shocking.
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    Tia Maria · 16 days ago
    I am totally deaf and suffer with heart conditions  fibromyalgia osteoarthritis vertigo ...oedema of the legs anxiety insomnia it goes on and on 
    Turning PIP into vouchers is going to make my hospital  appointments so very very difficult 
    The government are targeting disabled people who struggle and try to live a normal life. YOU MUST RESPECT disabled people they struggle a lot.
    Vouchers will cause a lot of problems for many many people.
    Stop playing with people's lives and understand your proposal will not work 
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    Cap · 17 days ago
    This would be an absolute travesty  and morally wrong
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    Jean LFA. · 19 days ago
    Providing vouchers would restrict me from using other Taxi companies if my local taxi firm has no drivers.  Also, I've experienced where this has happened a few times and the deposit I made to enable me to have an appointment that was necessary for me to get to the destination, that deposit was lost as the service don't refund if you turn up late due to Taxi service having no drivers.  This also applies to receiving any sort of therapy
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    Alexis Gates · 20 days ago
    We don't want vouchers is a waste of time and all shops do not have any vouchers in they shops money is the best way if the government sends the vouchers we will send it back to the government 

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    Brian Marriott · 21 days ago
    I need my pip money to pay for taxi from hospital back home and home to hospital as I can’t go out on bus as I get lost and can’t follow a simple rute due to my learning difficulties  that’s why pip should stay money
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    Anne williams · 22 days ago
    I would not make use vouchers as don't go out anywhere ..I'm disabled
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