The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Louise · 2 months ago
    For everyone commenting, please be aware that in an investigation made by the DWP into fraudulent benefit claims it was found that LESS than 1% of disability benefit claims were found to be false or fraudulent. They are playing us all by telling us that scammers and fraudsters rip off the benefits system. They are lyingbwhen it comes to disability benefits, they are almost no false claims that pay out.
    They have more issues with Universal credit fraudsters, but they don't highlight that just attack, attack, attack on the vulnerable members of society.
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      Avril · 2 months ago
      @Anon Anon  the people who want to change the system are people who have no understanding how illness affects people's lives but play the false narrative that these people are scamming a system. Anyone can play that dangerous card with people's lives.  Do you hear anything about the state benefit subsidies totalling plus  3BN that the government pays yearly to wealthy landowners and farmers, the more land you have the more state benefits you get? Interesting no political party raises this fact because people in all uk parties are claiming these state benefits?  What do you have to say about that fact? 
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @Louise Ok but the idea of the vouchers isn't about fraud, it's about the spiralling cost and increasing number of claims.
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    Daniel · 2 months ago
    I’ve started this form three times . Every time I get near the end it just clicks off , it doesn’t save . 
    I’m emotionally exhausted and feel defeated trying to fill this out . 
    Surely another ploy by dwp to not hear our voices , by not being able to save our answers . 
    I’m still fuming and I refused to rank the order of importance of medicines, aids, heating , food in order of importance . 
    I’m sickened by the idea that they are talking about taking away the needs support with aids question and needs prompting . 
    Because let’s face it, that wipes out most of us people with disabilities. 
    The whole form is inhumane 
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      Shamsa · 2 months ago
      @Daniel Please please don’t introduce the vouchers!Am always exhausted and under mobility symptoms. How do I keep track what I use where??. This is another way to treat disable badly rather than help them become more independent and step closer to their peers in the society rather than discriminate us. This is not why I voted for you labour government. I thought you would be on the side of supporting me. Many Thanks. Pip helps my independence and am able to work as well. I don’t get pip to sit@ home.
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      Daniel · 2 months ago
      @Koosie Bless you, great idea thank you 😊 
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      Daniel · 2 months ago
      @Old Mother I love this 
      Thank you 😊 
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      gingin · 2 months ago
      @Daniel I also refused to rank the order of importance as I felt it was a trick to exclude certain things, when these costs vary from person to person.
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      CaroA · 2 months ago
      I don't think they could have made this more difficult... But it is possible to email them with your thoughts and this will contribute to the consultation.   

      This is the email address but I don't know if it will get replicated here as it hasn't been each time I've tried in the past.  If you click on the link for the green paper it is written a few pages back as an alternative way to contribute.


      Each time I have tried to copy this email address it hasn't copied properly into this forum but this is the email address.  
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    Edith · 2 months ago
    Right wing governments including this one because that’s what it is have systematically demonised disabled people, immigrants, the poor, single mothers, elderly ladies, and many other groups of people who need support from us all. The sad thing is it has worked!! So many comments here even suggesting many disabled are swinging the lead !! The proportion of benefits fraud is around 5% I believe and yet the well off are almost 💯 finding tax evasion schemes or even tax fraud. No one cares about that - it’s not MSM headlines every day about people deliberately avoiding paying tax etc but there are headlines every day about the above groups swindling the public. We need to go back to centrist politics before the uk descends into a fascist state !!
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      Donna · 2 months ago
      @tony evelyn I can't believe what's happening why the government new the cost of living was going up and all  it seems to me that they've handed out all this cash and now they want to take it back but in other ways they think it will save them money it will cost them a lot more in the end 
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      Edwards · 2 months ago
      @Edith The fraud rate was less than 1% and therefore counted as zero
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      tony evelyn · 2 months ago
      @Edith  PIP is currently at 0% for fraud !!!...of course this is overlooked by the right wing media rags and youtube channels who sole purpose it seems is to divide and conquer at the expense of the vulnerable.
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    Kez · 2 months ago
    Wtf vouchers? I suffer really bad with pdsd depression and anxiety and social anxiety. I don't go out my house because of what is wrong with me. How am I suppose to do shopping with vouchers? This world is getting worse!! 
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    Alchemist · 2 months ago
    If vouchers are considered to be a good idea the all MPs and DWP employees should lead the way.

    The whole idea is risible and seems to be something that Mel Stride plucked out of his own arse.
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      lotty55 · 2 months ago
      @Old Mother How about they scrap the daily payment of £300 that MP's get for just turning up in the house of commons, sign in & then jump back in their taxi that's still running outside! 
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      Old Mother · 2 months ago
      @Alchemist Absolutely. Let’s see all MPs given vouchers instead of their fat salaries. 
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    Claire · 2 months ago
    The State opening of parliament is on Tuesday,with 30 new bills.Nowhere is this on the current agenda.It is a consultation ending next week,in practice it would never work.They will try and get people back to work and off pip that way as you will need pip to get uc health additional money.I think they will have to sort out the NHS waiting lists first.People with secondary care eg Consultant will probably be ok ,it’s all the others they will target I think.
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      Claire · 2 months ago
      @Paul It certainly will not be happening in the next parliament ,I don’t believe it will happen just red meat thrown out by the Tories in their desperate dying days.
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      Paul · 2 months ago
      @Claire So if it did go ahead with the changes  how soon would it happen u any idea?
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    Joseph jones · 2 months ago
    It's the same old story pick on the inflicted and the weak labour will be no different.  Yes there is definitely a problem with people playing the mental card  since covid and I'm sure there's some fraudsters in there but if they have been assessed by a medical professional and are found to have mental health issues I can see labour moving the goal posts on it 
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    Anon · 2 months ago
    Hull live newspaper are today running a poll asking readers if the DwP should be allowed to monitor claimants bank accounts. So far the results are 43% in favour, 57% against.

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      Avril · 2 months ago
      @Anon Do you want a govt to monitor your bank accounts anon?
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      Timewarp · 2 months ago
      @Anon The newspaper readers who vote in favour of such monitoring -- assuming they are not bots or DWP/political staff ordered to do so -- are very stupid indeed if they don't realise that once such surveillance begins,  it will inevitably -- and soon -- be extended to include the entire population, themselves included (but not, of course, the top people and their fatcat cronies).

      If, as the truly moronic saying goes, "the innocent have nothing to fear" ...  then why do MPs not even have to submit receipts to claim their  generously self-awarded expenses ... why are the very highly salaried top apparatchiks in Whitehall allowed such anonymity ... and why is there so much official secrecy about everything?
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    Michelle · 2 months ago
    People receiving pip cannot live off one benefit alone it's a combination of all benefits that makes up a livable source of income and often on the breadline , if you replace the money with vouchers it will leave a big deficit for instance my housing benefit doesn't cover my rent and I live in one of cheapest flats , I have to rob from another benefit to pay this and bills are rising . I live alone a phone is a must that bill has to be paid for its not just health costs its wellbeing too that must be taken in to consideration 
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      JH · 2 months ago
      @Michelle I don't know why people are downvoting you. I've been renting this flat 10 years and my rent is relatively low for the area, yet my housing benefit has been frozen since 2019 at a rate which is now less than half my rent.  Local Housing Allowances were recently given the option to rise slightly, but my local authority has kept LHA at the old 2019 rate, due to the fact I guess that the council itself is struggling for for cash. 

      Keeping a roof over your head is part of staying as healthy as you can and out of hospital when you're on a fixed income with no option to earn money due to disability.
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      Timewarp · 2 months ago
      @Michelle It is amazing how as soon as people reach the official retirement age, they are deemed to no longer need a mobility (car) allowance ....  which is very odd logic, since an ability to get around even for the most basic of necessities invariably declines with age rather than improves. 
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    Luls · 2 months ago
    I don’t understand how this scheme will benefit any person with a disability. It won’t help in no way. I have Ibd and I’m immune compromised. I have an operation approximately every 3-5 months. I have a 5 year old. And I’m only 30.  I wouldn’t know how to begin with this new voucher program. It’s silly and isn’t fair. I didn’t take a mobility car because the money would help me with expense. I bought a second hand car for cheap.  I do understand that they need a better system to filter out the liars and scammers. But people who genuinely need and rely on the pip system don’t need to be punished. 
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    George · 2 months ago
    What is going on why not ask disabled people what they think  for a change some idiot in the dap with nothing better to do 
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      A · 2 months ago
      @George You're asked to fill in the consultation form and express your views and concerns.
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    Wiggi Wigley · 2 months ago
    This is so wrong on many levels . Each person has a different situation with different needs and introducing voucher system is going to cause more mental health issue as anxiety, panic and worry will go through the roof and I think there'll be a rise in suicides. Vouchers and a catalogue is NOT in the best interests of the sick and disabled. It's takes away freedom to choose what to spend the money on... You can't pay people who help you by giving them vouchers. It's just seem the government always attack the most vulnerable in society 
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    Shelly · 2 months ago
    I'm on pip with advanced arthritis in my knees spine. Feet. Ankle and hips.  I recently had a knee replacement  and in recovery.  I have crutches. And toilet frames    I'm in rented property which means I cannot do any adaptation s to my home. Therefore vouchers will be no use to me.  I understand that there are people out there that are playing the system and there's probably nothing wrong with and now this has made it bad for us people who genuinely need the money for our disabilities .
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      Jen · 2 months ago
      @Shelly The DWPs own figures state that the amount of fraud for PIP is so low that they’ve said it’s zero!
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      Fred · 2 months ago
      @Shelly Thats Ok, their have a very special job for you. Joking aside, this is what lunatics we have trying to impose idealistic way's of thinking upon us. 'ALL WORK IS GOOD FOR YOU.' Really!! There are many academic papers that state the complete opposite and very strange how the media never refer from them when interviewing politician's. 
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    Bh · 2 months ago
    All this is going to do is create a black market where we have to trade our vouchers for less than they're worth so we can spend the money on things we actually need. Won't be long before eBay creates a "dwp vouchers" category...

    My dog is my main expense, but without her I lose my de facto carer. I would never get up, never get dressed, never go out the house in the daytime, never see another human being. Never give or receive love. She also regulates my emotions in a really complex yet simple way that I don't understand exactly but it has been witnessed and noted by my therapist. I wouldn't last long without her. This week I had to pay the vet £50 and I spent £20 at Pets at Home, they going to give me vouchers for that are they?! What happens when I meet the "you shouldn't have pets if you can't afford them" lobby? I'm eligible for a blue badge but I won't have one because I couldn't cope with being challenged for having a hidden disability so if there's no parking near somewhere then I just go home. That's manageable at least, trying to stay alive and sane without my dog is not.
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      Holly · 2 months ago
      @Bh Mine goes on my dog too the rest is for food and bills . I am concerned about this because vouchers used for therapy and aids that you should get on the nhs
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      Bang on that’s right will b · 2 months ago
      @Bh Bang on it wall create a black market for Pip vouchers stupid idea there’s a black market for any other voucher as easy as that I can’t hardly walk I’m on Pip got every rail in my house fallen down four times no start stair rail that’s what you get for putting lunatics in power we will have to sell the vouchers for half the money to get what we need
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      TheDogmother · 2 months ago
      @Bh @BH, no dogs.  I'm gone.simple as that. No ifs or but's. No reason to go on.  Some won't understand that.
      But it is what it is. 
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    Marie · 2 months ago
    Well I thought pip was money to buy your disabled facilities with well that's what I did ive brought a mobility wheelchair a special bed other special equipment to help me in and around the house.
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      Rob · 2 months ago
      @Marie If you think it’s for disabled facilities what about other disabled people who need interpreters or care assistants on a regular basis and if it’s just for disabled facilities then what happens when you purchased what you need- does PIP payment be stopped?
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @Anon Well let's hope they still feel the same now they are in Government and the ones with our future in their hands.
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      Julia · 2 months ago
      @Fred That's the point. When it comes to money our economy isn't on it's knees, it's flat on its face. How could they afford this lunacy, with the cost of the administration it would be astronomical!  

      Who are they to tell us how to spend our PIP, doubtless on things that will be cheap for them and unsuitable for us. We are the experts in our own conditions and know exactly what we need and what to prioritise for ourselves. Sadly, we also have to subside our below breadline income level of Universal credit and overly expensive rents with little help with the housing element in a cost of living crisis. 

      Benefits and Work have said that they doubt that this will happen, I do hope they are right. I wouldn't put it beyond any government to agree to a hair brained scheme like this though. A sledgehammer to crack a very small nut with dreadful consequences for us all. It's beyond shameful, why can't they leave us disabled people in peace. We've got more than enough to cope with,as it is. 
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @Anon I’m sure in one of the debates Rishi was talking about the changes the Tories want to make to PIP, vouchers etc, and he said, Labour opposed them all. 
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @Old Mother But the Tories didn't implement it. If it happens now it will be because Labour gave it the go ahead.
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    Seb · 2 months ago
    It will never happen, calm down people. 
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      Greg · 2 months ago
      @Seb I hope not I'm quite concerned to be honest 
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      Tomkins · 2 months ago
      @Seb Exactly.

      It'll cost much more and is already getting a backlash from charities and organisations and pressure is on Kendall to forget it before even considering it.

      When they review the consultation they will see  from the responses that it would be a bad idea not to bin it all.

      They also know just like what just happened with the Tories they will get punished too next time if they go there.
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      Fred · 2 months ago
      @Seb Here's hoping. If not, going to turn people's lives into a further living hell. These vouchers will all have to work on line, and perfectly. Many can't even get to a shop for various reasons. Love to see how those reliant upon buses and Taxis will get on. Shouldn't take long to sort. Yawnnnn.
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    Sue · 2 months ago
    WTF are we supposed to do with a voucher and for what?  Most of us need this payment to help with everyday bills because we are not able to work and you can't feed yourself and keep a roof over your head with UC. It's disgraceful when we treat our disabled like criminals and put the criminals up in 4* hotels. 
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    Victor Lawrence · 2 months ago
    Disgusting ,I'm with you how do you pay bills with voucher 
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    Vic · 2 months ago
    People who are genuinely ill ,sick & disabled ,shouldn't be made to feel like they are worthless & a stain on society .
    The high levels of stress they are causing us ,with the silence & uncertainty is inhumane .
    We don't choose to be ill & cant function like normal healthy people .
    Every day presents challenges to get through, with pain, discomfort, emotional states of Anxiety stress & depression always with us & don't go away. .
    We don't have days where we can turn around & say wow that was a great day & loved it so much .
    Everyday is about survival , discomfort & fear .
    These pip ideas & legacy migration to Uc( without being automatically processed are a disgrace) .Also some who will be forced to look for work, are not going to make  them feel better about themselves ,esp if your riddled with pain , discomfort & cannot function well enough mentally  .
    We should be allowed to live with dignity instead of made to feel like  sponger, criminals .
    Shame on the lot of them .
    What an horrible  Country ,world we live in .
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      Rob · 2 months ago
      @Vic I agree let’s all focus that this is all hot air and it probably will not happen it’s all politics gone poison directly to vulnerable society.
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    CC · 2 months ago
    Another thought, if you look at the entire proposals, the vouchers are not the worst part of it, they actually a distraction which seems to be working.
    The proposals if enacted, would likely disqualify more than half of all PIP claimants, and I think the voucher stuff is a cover for it which is being successful at distracting people.
    They propose to remove all prompt and 'aids' descriptors, they propose to require 8/12 points be scored in a single descriptor instead of combined, they propose to merge similar descriptors, and they propose a confirmed diagnosis requirement from second line care (not GP).
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      Matt · 2 months ago
      @CC Probably correct: the Institute for Fiscal Studies has suggested that reform would centre, initially, on eligibility for new claimants and those whose awards are up for renewal. Once that had been embedded then all other PIP claimants will be reassessed. At least as I am VI (and partially deaf) my certificate of visual impairment was signed by a Consultant Ophthalmologist. And the criteria for registration is very strict