There do not appear to be any disability or incapacity benefit related provisions in the King's Speech. 

The government can still introduce benefits legislation in the coming year that is not included in the speech, but the absence of any such content does suggest that it is not one of the main priorities for the first year of the current Labour administration.



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    · 7 months ago
    OK, reading the comments I am seeing a lot of "that's it for me" "I may as well die" "they want to kill us". Please please don't think like that!! We dont know what is going to happen yet!! Take a deep breath and think.... its not worth getting so stressed that your conditions flare up just yet!!

    I am worried too guy's, but one thing I am pretty certain of is that people who can't work wont be forced to work...I mean that in itself wouldn't be economically viable, it would cripple businesses (no pun intended)!! 

    I think what the government are hinting at is that some people with conditions who can work will be supported into work, they are looking to make work more accessible for example, people who have mobility issues that can't make it to work (but would like to work) may get the option to work from home etc. There will be better transport links that are more accessible to people with disabilities.

    Liz Kendal made a comment about people who "game the system". That is not aimed at people who are genuinely ill, like most of the people on here, but those who grossly exaggerate/ fake how ill they are in order to claim a benefit that they dont need!! So if you are currently having a massive flare or spiraling...that comment wont be for you!! You are not the problem!! If you are so ill that you can't work be that physically or mentally then this does not apply to you!! 

    If you are there thinking well I can work but cant be bothered too, then the "game the system" comment is for you! Enjoy it. Because it is these people making life hard for sick people like us!!!!

    Lets look at it differently, if they came down on the fakers and reduced the non-genuine claims for PIP perhaps they will increase the benefits for people like us who actually need it!! Unlikely, I know, but the point I am making is maybe they will change PIP assessments to be more accurate and fairer on people.

    There was a post earlier on Time running out...... comments section where a person had spoken to an assistant to an MP (Jess Phillips' I think) who said the voucher idea "doesn't look likely to go ahead". 

    To cut a long story short, what I am trying to say is, there is no point in panicking just yet!! Yes it will be on our mind until we find out for sure but let it stay as a niggle for now and not a full on headache!!

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      · 7 months ago
      Absolutely HMO which is why some of us are sitting here worrying ourselves to a frazzle reading all this. We are truly genuinely worried and it's so cruel of the government to put all of us through this.  Who hasn't exaggerated a little, why are we told to tell it "how we are on our worst day"?  Some days are good, most days are bad but there are little chinks of light when I feel "quite normal" whatever that is!
      Wish I could work and keep a job, hey I could  have been a brain surgeon!
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    · 7 months ago
    If vouchers were brought in would they have to honour the  pip agreement they gave us ,until the pip persons  next review date ,o
    Far has i am concerned its a contract  in black & white .
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      · 7 months ago
      Isn't our every movement monitored anyway! Bank accounts?
      They know if you sign up for a course at a local college. Even if it's something therapeutic like art. They know if we attend a day centre.  They know our every move as it is. I go swimming once a week and have to pay by card.  Okay, I have to ask the lifeguard for help to use the chair hoist to get in and out and have to ask for help from the staff for getting to and from the disabled changing room.  I go by taxi and return by taxi.  They must monitor all of this.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 7 months ago
      @Vic Using a vouchers or equivalent, will mean your every move is monitored by the DWP.
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    · 7 months ago
    Alan Milburn (Remember him from the Tony Blair era?) "advisory piece" for Liz Kendall wasn't as bad as I thought but the media, in particularly the Times were saying "the sick should be forced into work" was sickening.

    They are lumping the disabled into the "economically inactive" box which concerns me.
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    · 7 months ago
    Well Labour's silence has me back in MH crisis again. I am now again convinced it's the end for me, I know I'm in a bad place because I actually feel relieved. I always try to reconcile my fate to make a good end, I will not wait till my back is against the wall and everything has been taken frok me, nobody should have to go like that. Kendall said yesterday they want an employment rate of 80%, it's currently 75%. 25% of working age people made up of the early retired, people in education, people with cancer, severely disabled people who need full time care etc etc. It's hard to imagine they're not coming for the rest of us because we're the only ones who can possibly be this five percent, that's 1 in 5 people in this category, so it must be all of us. I've tried to be employed most of my life, from age 14 to 37 I had many jobs, I couldn't hold onto any of them and ended up just destroying my mental health. Now I'm a wreck and I can't go back. So that's me done. I just try to be grateful for the life I had, I've been luckier than many. It's all. I can do now.
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      · 7 months ago
      @Kim Kim, you are not done. Please try to stop worrying. Let this situation play out first. The chances are high that those of us with acute mental distress should be treated more kindly. i am in a very similar boat to you. I am hopeful. We must have the right to be "economically inactive" if we feel unable to cope.
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      · 7 months ago
      @Kim @Kim I hear you. I'm devastated that we are even put in this position of worry. It's also made my MH suffer as well as all my physical conditions,  I've had three asthma attacks in the past two weeks because of the stress, my stomach ulcers have gone into overdrive and my gp said the stress has all added to that too. Palpations out of control and I won't go into the rest.
      It's easy on the outside looking in for those who don't understand, for those of us who do we wish things were easy but they aren't and all the government are doing is making things worse. Each day seems harder that the previous one, the fear grows daily. I wish "they" knew our Anguish. 
      All we can do for now is try to hold good thoughts. Love to you, to us all. Xx
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    · 7 months ago
    Shouldn't the private companies such as ATOS be investigated as to their part in the benefits bill?  I should imagine anybody with any amount of common sense could look through the millions of us to tell those that can and cannot participate in work again.  

    We are the ones that many doctors have said, over many years, that we are too ill and disabled to work. We are the ones that have provided reams of support evidence over decades! Many more have chronic illnesses/injuries/accidents over the shorter term that have also devastated their lives.  Sort out the bleedin' obvious! Get off our backs you have caused enough trauma already. Trauma the world Health authority says they need to redress.

    Have these private companies had an interest in continually reassessing us?  Have we been there bread and butter keeping them employed/raking in profits from all our suffering.  It's not rocket science.... it's a racket!
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    · 7 months ago
    When dose the pip voucher start 
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    · 7 months ago
    The Labour Party should, by now, have given some indication as to whether they’re going ahead with the tories plan to bring forward ir ESA to UC migration. Many people are very worried at the prospect and need some peace of mind. Being in limbo is the not helping people’s stress levels
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      · 7 months ago
      @David @David should have an answer in August from labour where I live Blackpool council are waiting too 
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    · 7 months ago
    hello all by reading liz kendall statement yesterday looks like people with top rate of both compartments with severe disabilities” ie progressive life long conditions that have  been diagnosed by a hospital consultant of the condition than you wont be forced to look for work under dwp reform. 
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    · 7 months ago
    What's happening about the UC migration supposed to start from September for people on ESA nothing from labour yet whether they are still going to bring it forward or change it again. I'm in support group ESA was told by my local council it will start from January 2025. Can't get any answers anywhere. Why aren't labour saying anything.   It's very stressful.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 7 months ago
      @Bob Assume it's still going ahead, they haven't said otherwise and we are at the end of July now.
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      · 7 months ago
      @Bob Nothing has changed, it's still happening from September.
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    · 7 months ago
    It's all in the website. A blueprint for reform. 
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    · 7 months ago
    Liz Kendall has said that they're going to produce a white paper in Autumn setting out proposals for legislative changes for a bill to be introduced and made it law.

    Therefore, we're done with Liz Kendall yet.
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    · 7 months ago
    I've got many mental health diagnosis' and I'm not going to lie I do not want to work and it would be impossible for me to, due to the mental illnesses and the medication side effects.
       When I have a period in my life where I'm not having to worry about the future due to benefits I am able to exist I'm a bubble I create for myself , it's a frigale bubble and once it's burst all my mental health conditions explode and each different condition makes the other conditions worse, nobody around me seems to understand this so I don't know how I could expect the government or DWP to even begin to comprehend how difficult life is for me.    I'm so tired of constantly trying to explain what I'm feeling and how I live when I don't even understand myself completely, I'm tired how trying to justify myself to the DWP.   
     How can I work??? How can I attend job centre?? I never go out, not with Family, I go nowhere, I can't do it and honestly I don't want to because I know what it will do to me. I can not even speak to my family on the phone let alone anybody else. 
     The only time I go out is to my psychiatrist and that's only because I've been seeing him for 20 years and he always ensures that I'm first appointment and makes sure I wait somewhere quiet and private if I need to wait and I'm dropped off at the entrance and picked up straight away and I can always have somebody with me.   
      Part of my illnesses makes me not want to be seen or Heard by other people ,, how can somebody like me get through any of these possible challenges and changes, I can't understand why they can't just be truthful and clear on their intentions,, we have had nothing but panic and worry from the Tories and labour clearly are going to be just as bad.  
      I just wish they would understand that ever illness is very different and that many people with mental health do not want to work because they know it'll be the death of them.   
     We never asked to be this way, we aren't greedy and lazy, we are humans who feel and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.  
      It just feels like labour are going to completely betray the truth and hope we put in them... We got them back in and still they give us no hope. Working doesn't give you dignity and it is not good for you if the working environment is what would drive all your illnesses to a worse level and make you kill yourself as the consequence.
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      · 7 months ago
      @T keep ya chin up don't let the swine's grind you down
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    · 7 months ago
    All of this waiting is causing great anxiety 
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      · 7 months ago
      @mrfibro The no news won't last, I'm afraid, as Liz Kendall has said that they're going to produce a white paper in Autumn setting out proposals for legislative changes for a bill to be introduced and made law.
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      · 7 months ago
      @mrfibro @mrfibro theirs never any good news when your stuck on the wheel of doom it goes round and round and round 
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      · 7 months ago
      @Holly No news is good news, that's what iv'e always been told to believe.
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    · 7 months ago
    Hi moderator just to say I hadn't seen all the other posts which already address this. I'm happy for my last post to not get put up.  Thanks again for all your brilliant help for us all.
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    · 7 months ago
    Liz Kendall is using this type of baseless argument, which she has concocted herself, to validate her intention to force people with mental health, long term health conditions, and disabled people into work they haven't asked for in the first place, making believe that they've somehow been made off sick without their consent.

    This is what she's airing:

    "Ms Kendall expressed her shock that seven in 10 people who have been assessed as medically unfit to work want to be in work."

    Dishonesty at its finest.
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      · 7 months ago
      @MJ Me too and in those types of jobs there's a lot of bullies as they don't like being in that line of work so take their anger out on the weakest. 
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      · 7 months ago
      @A Yes it is dishonest. Many people would like to work IF they were able to do so which they can't. Also just because you might like to work doesn't mean you are employable. Many long term sick and disabled wouldn't be touched with a bargepole by the vast majority of businesses/companies. And those that might are very likely to be minimum wage agency dead-end work, not much dignity or purpose in those, I've been there previously, makes you worse not better.
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      · 7 months ago
      @Victoria I believe the answers they got for their survey were kind of, "I would like to work, had I been able to work", and they make it as "yeah, definitely, I want to work", and then, to fit it their agenda, they turn it around and claim: "Ill people and disabled people want to work, but they have been denied to do so.
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      · 7 months ago
      @mrfibro @mrfibro logic* meant to say.
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      · 7 months ago
      @mrfibro @mrfibro Talking about that very thing today with my sister in law. I feel it would be the logical approach. And those people could say what types of work they feel they could try. If they wanted to work that is. But logical isn't a friend of theirs. 
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    · 7 months ago
    Liz kendal has hinted she will ditch the tough plans daily mail
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      · 7 months ago
      @Holly A white paper setting this out, which will be voted and made legislation is coming in Autumn.
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      · 7 months ago
      @Holly Yeah give us all trainers so we can jog ourselves fit lol.  
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      · 7 months ago
      @Holly Yes link us up please.
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      · 7 months ago
      @Holly Can we have a link to that please?
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      · 7 months ago
      @Holly Only ditching universal credit tough sanctions she's not made a decision about pip as they have something up their sleeve
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    · 7 months ago
    Hi all if pip takes away your payment and it to vouchers and the dwp think it’s fine ok so all the people in the uk should tell the Mp in London you not haveing you pay slips this month ok you are haveing vouchers like the way you treat disabled people and the dwp the same as way know do you fine that fair??????????,,??,,
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      · 7 months ago
      @Read this dwp If only we could do that to them.  I'd love to see them live on benefits, they spend more on one meal than we get to live on for a week.  They have no clue what it's like. 
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    · 7 months ago
    Liz Kendall's nasty hypocrisy starts with the following, to make believe that people with disabilities, mental health, and long-term health conditions have been made off sick forcefully.

     "Millions of people have been denied their rightful chance of participating in the labour market, and the hope of a brighter future. They’ve been excluded, left out, categorised and labelled."

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      · 7 months ago
      @A No employer in his/ her rightful mind would employ, x amounts of disabled people, because to do so would cost those companies billions of pounds to transform their existing work places to accommodate disabled people.  Like a typical example.  Mr or Mrs or ms whatever has chronic fatigue + other illnesses physical and mental.  Now after going into work, get their coat off, five minutes down the line, needs to stop working, A coz needs toilet, B can no longer function due to severe chronic fatigue  & the pain incurred.  hence that or those workers need to go to bed for lengthy periods of rest !!!!

      No way can that ever work at all.  That was just one simple example, what i have written above.

      What kendall should do is say ok if you feel like coming in and doing a bit of graft, if at any time you feel rough, then you can simply stop any work your doing, and go home.  And come back when your feeling better lol, oh and your benefits will not be affected in any way at all.

      It's all a load of Bollo*s

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