There do not appear to be any disability or incapacity benefit related provisions in the King's Speech. 

The government can still introduce benefits legislation in the coming year that is not included in the speech, but the absence of any such content does suggest that it is not one of the main priorities for the first year of the current Labour administration.



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    mrfibro · 2 months ago
    Nothing in the Kings speech about knocking the bedroom tax on the head ????

    I wonder why??
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    Cheeky · 2 months ago
    As there was no real mention of Labour welfare legislation in the Kings speech today, I think Labour are going ahead with the pre-existing Tory welfare reforms, so I think the transfer to UC for all claimant will go ahead as planned, and as for PIP who can say as it's all up in the air due to the ongoing consultation. So a lot we already know, not sure if the changes to the ESA/UC working regimes ie LCWRA, Support Group will go ahead next April...Labour haven't given much away for the time being, but what scares me is are the planned changes that have already been given the go head, but haven't been stopped YET by the new Labour Government!
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    Carolin · 2 months ago
    As written, there's things that Labour haven't mentioned but it doesn't mean they can't add to their already hefty list of 40 new bills within the year. King's Speeches usually try to convey a medium-to-longer term vision and its not often they are THIS detailed as they already have been, certainly during the past decade.

    I am of course keeping a close eye on the party I am a member of and I will gladly take part in any internal party movements as being a member gives you those extra powers rather than complaining on the internet. Whatever happens, 90% of Labours manifesto will be a boon to the country after 14 years, but the welfare system is also a key priority for myself and many on here. All I urge anyone reading is not to fret or fear, I honestly think we've been through the worst of it all, but I can completely understand that this may be hard to believe or see right now.
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      Ruth · 2 months ago
      @Carolin Great comment. 
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      Prim · 2 months ago
      @Carolin I'm just afraid of losing my pip . I have autism and cptsd, my pip pays for therapy and it's working for me. I tried  NHS for 10 years couldn't get it. I Finally have a therapist who's experienced with people like me and I'm getting better everyday. My long term goal is work. I'm doing a degree with open University at the same time. I graduate when my pip runs out its perfect and I don't want to lose this 
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    somebody-else · 2 months ago
    I'm still working away on answering the consultation document.  I'm only hoping that it won't turn out to be a complete waste of my time and limited energy.  There are so many other things I'd rather be doing right now, but I feel that if I've got to get involved with this.
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      Wiggles · 2 months ago
      @somebody-else The same. I posted about it in the forum asking others to chip in what they've said. I think the more we can encourage others the better. 
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      lesley · 2 months ago
      Well done!  We can only try! At least your conscience is clear and you responded to it.
      Have only just started it. It's a bit daunting but will press on with it.
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    JJ · 2 months ago
    The below isn't on the King's Speech but they are commitments and themes.
    Other commitments / themes
    seek to establish the appropriate legislation to place requirements on those working to develop the most powerful artificial intelligence models

    give new powers to metro mayors and combined authorities

    >get people back in employment following the impact of the pandemic

    >seek to reduce the waiting times, focus on prevention and improve mental health provision for young people, ensure mental health is given the same attention and focus as physical health

    restrict advertising of junk food to children along with the sale of high caffeine energy drinks to children

    establish a new Council of the Nations and Regions to renew opportunities for the Prime Minister, heads of devolved governments and mayors of combined authorities to collaborate with each other

    strengthen the integrity of elections and encourage wide participation in the democratic process

    modernisation committee of the House of Commons which will be tasked with driving up standards, improving work practices and reforming procedures

    ensure a strong defence based on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s common values of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law

    continue to give its full support to Ukraine and its people and it will endeavour to play a leading role in providing Ukraine with a clear path to NATO membership

    seek to reset the relationship with European partners and work to improve the United Kingdom’s trade and investment relationship with the European Union

    committed to a two state solution with a safe and secure Israel alongside a viable and sovereign Palestinian state
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      James · 2 months ago
      @JJ AI! is a cure all panacea for everything wrong in the world! It is way too soon for the world as it none of it has been tried and tested but for politicians that does not mean a darn thing! I wish our politicians would take a far more cautious approach to using AI as it could lead to disastrous consequences. Little knowledge is a very dangerous thing
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    ABC · 2 months ago
    Hi, didn't see the speech. Was there anything in it (or the document) about bank spying or using A.I to find out what we have in the bank? Thanks
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    phil · 2 months ago
    Monday Economy and Welfare debate. Just been announced by the Speaker.
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      Wiggles · 2 months ago
      @phil I read this as 'Mandatory economy and welfare debate' and thought yep that summarises things. 
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    Steve · 2 months ago
    The new proposed scheme would not be helpful to us. We need to constantly wash and clean because my wife has a lung disease. We use the funds for extra cleaning, washing and specialist foods
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    Scrounger · 2 months ago
    I think we might be safe for a while. 
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      Rik · 2 months ago
      @Scrounger I don't think so. It's just people have been focusing on the King's speech, when it's the budget they should be keeping an eye on. Only today Reeves has told the business press “I’m going to level with people… difficult decisions are coming” regarding Labour's first budget.
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      lesley · 2 months ago
      Ever hopeful.  Wonder what ghastly plans they have up their sleeves.
      I remember when they tried to pass the responsibility of Attendance Allowance onto local councils.  Am still on the old style D.L.A. not going to let myself be lulled into anything that sounds anything like "safe".
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    boris1 · 2 months ago
    I didn't expect anything about pip to be mentioned in the Kings speech because the consultation is still ongoing at present and nothing will be decided until after that.   
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    wibblum · 2 months ago
    Stephen Timms' appointment with specific oversight over PIP and UC *possibly* offers the slight glimmer of hope that there will at least be a fairer approach than before, but with Kendall as his boss there's still no room for complacency on our part. We cannot depend on Starmer's Labour to defend us or speak for us.

    The only way to have your voice heard is to take part in the consultation (such as it is) :

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    Jas · 2 months ago
    The kings speech only lays out the bolder plan. Not the nitty gritty pain and suffering that is preplanned long before they were elected. Puppets controlled by banks.
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    NannyD · 2 months ago
    It doesn't mean it won't happen in future, but there's no mention of benefit reform in the full run down of the Kings speech from

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      lesley · 2 months ago
      @Tomkins Well put Tomkins.  We must try not to worry!
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      Tomkins · 2 months ago
      @NannyD For the next year until the next kings speech, let's just enjoy Life and let the campaigners, charities and more compassionate mps work on pressuring the worst plans to be binned. They're already on it.

      Let's not allow it to eat away life and appreciate the breather 
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    Stoko · 2 months ago
    Nothing really to be said about the speech other than*Action" to be taken to get people back in employment after the pandemic. Nothing specific about benefits or pip, so I guess we're still none the wiser 😞
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      TOM · 2 months ago
      @Stoko Action, to be taken to get people back into work, Much of which no longer exists thanks to Lockdowns and furlough schemes where are these imaginary jobs?
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      Alex · 2 months ago
      @Stoko Yeah they'll probably "help" us back to work by starving us and taking away our money. 
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    Neil · 2 months ago
    No news then. 
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    FeeDogMummy · 2 months ago
    Didn't see anything about disability benefits at all....we are invisible as usual.  Not sure if that is a good or bad thing.  Some good thibgs for renters, ending no fault evictions.  Mention of a new Mental Health Act bill....
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      Anon · 2 months ago
      @FeeDogMummy They will probably say something on benefits in the budget later this year 
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    Bench · 2 months ago
    Any news on pip ? 
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      Tomkins · 2 months ago
      @Bench They will review the consultation responses next week when it ends. I'm confident well over 90% of rhose responses will be negative and it will just fade away like the bad dream it is.
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    Mark · 2 months ago
    It won't happen because there are to many of us, that's a lot of votes so don't worry.
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    Philip · 2 months ago
    Starmers labour are just "Conservative light". They are desperate to find savings with talk already about means testing the state pension being circulated in the media. I've heard no rebuttal from government? 
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    Frances · 2 months ago
    Would be nice to at least know the government's official line on support group and housing benefit migration, rather than it just rolling on. 
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      M shirker · 1 months ago
      @Rik @Rik that’s great news I can’t wait till I move onto this new blackmailing brutal corrupt system that’s going to make my life a misery unless I bow down to its demands looking forward also till I meet my new lieing bully work coach that going to make every single situation so difficult and then theirs the 3 month wait for cash so if I don’t take the loan offered when I will start off in hundreds of pounds in debt the other solution is to go begging down at the local church fantastic news👍
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      Rik · 2 months ago
      @M shirker It is going ahead; cannot see why it would be delayed, especially for such a short time like 6 months.
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      Thedogmother · 2 months ago
      @Frances I'd love to know too. 🙄
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      M shirker · 2 months ago
      @Frances @Frances you and me both part of me thinks they will just steam ahead with it in September anyway l and other part of me thinks mr timms will get involved and delay it for 6 months till next April 2025 or a 12 month delay until September 2025 will definitely know in August at least 
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