There has been a massive response to the Modernising Support Green Paper, Stephen Timms, the DWP minister for disability has revealed.  And whilst the government is still not offering any certainty that the proposal to replace PIP cash payments with vouchers will be dropped, they do seem to be distancing themselves from the Conservative’s proposals.

Timms was answering a question on behalf of the secretary of state for Work and Pensions from Labour MP Cat Smith:

“To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, when she plans to publish her Department's response to the consultation entitled Modernising support for independent living: the health and disability green paper, published in April 2024.”

Timms replied:

“The consultation on the Modernising Support Green Paper closed on Monday 22 July. Over 16,000 responses have been received and we will review these responses.

“The proposals in this Green Paper were developed by the previous government. We will be considering our own approach to social security in due course.”

The number of responses is more than ten times higher than were given to the DWP consultation on changes to the work capability assessment, which was launched in September 2023.  That consultation received 1,348 replies.

It is likely that the vast majority of responses will have been negative in relation to most of the proposals for changes to PIP.  It is encouraging to learn that so many people took the trouble to respond and it will have left the government in no doubt about the size of the fight they will have on their hands if they try to push through any of the more controversial ideas in the Green Paper  

The form of words used by Timms “We will be considering our own approach to social security in due course.” is identical to that used by Baroness Sherlock in the House of Lords last week.

Whilst it lacks any certainty, the phrase does suggest that Labour are planning to disown most of what the Conservatives have proposed.

Benefits and Work readers, who we know responded in large numbers to the Green Paper, can congratulate themselves on having spoken out so powerfully on behalf of the many PIP claimants who found the consultation too overwhelming to reply to.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 months ago
    Does Reeves really know what it’s like to be disabled & the effort it takes just for daily tasks. Disabled people have always been the brunt of every government, we are a small minority when you are talking money, when you consider the amount of tax from the rich that’s not collected, that’s what they need to focus on. How are voucher going to pay my cleaner, household repairs, my mobility car, fuel bills & many other things we need. Disabled people don’t live we exist. As for getting disabled into work, they were in work until they shut all the Remploy sites that used to employ disabled people. Outside industry & their workers don’t understand disabled people, they work too slow, they make mistakes & they shouldn’t be employed as they can’t do the same work as a none disabled worker & then you have bullying & then being ostracised by work colleagues. I worked at Remploy for 16yrs & I’ve heard all the horror stories. They put none disabled at the top in Remploy & they screwed the disabled over by wasting money & saying they weren’t profitable. 
    It was bad management!!!
    All the changes they are talking about are stressing people out, causing there health conditions to worsen, worrying even more if they can spend money.
    Ordinary people MP’s should think for the grace of God go I, no one decides that they are going to be disabled, don’t you thing we suffer enough without this worry
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    · 5 months ago
    If the voucher project happened what that would mean the end on Motability Scheme and also firstly would the PIP changes have to go through Parliament and house of Lords before any changes of can Labour just do as they like.
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    · 5 months ago
    I am so stressed about this pip change, my son is autistic and had adhd my fear is when i'm not around anymore what the heck is supposed to with vouchers for goodness sake, this government is going to send people to their grave, they're certainly not thinking  about the disabled people that's painfully clear. my son doesn't use aids, so someone please tell me what is the alternative for us? This is ludicrous, what am i supposed to tell my son, how am i going to train him if that will even work, about his bloody vouchers. i'm at my wits end thinking about this, he is not going to understand this at all...i'm heavy with burden right, i can't sleep, i can't eat. 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Susan Clark I'm sorry but thus is such am ignorant remark. It is paid to cover the EXTRA costs disability presents to those who can and cannot work!!!
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      · 5 months ago
      @Susan Clark Your statement should how misinformed you are about the everyday life of someone suffering from disabilities. You cannot imagine how expensive are wheelchair parts nowadays and the cost of using taxis to move around. You should be ashamed of yourself for not showing sympathy or even compassion towards the challenges we disabled people face on a daily basis. Shame on you.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Lisa Campbell What I cannot understand is, Pip is paid because you are disabled.
      But it is also paid to some who still go to work as well…therefore they are getting two lots of money.

      Surely if you are claiming PIP, it is due to a disability that prevents you from being 
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    · 5 months ago
    I can't go out shopping so couldn't use vouchers. My PIP money I use to pay a carer to help me and someone to do shopping. There is also maintenance which is necessary for my home to run for my needs. All my shopping is done on line, my food shop is ordered, paid for and delivered. I have memory impairment with a condition I have so I would have a great deal of problems.   I would probably say don't send me any voucher because I would get in such a state of anxiety. I will just have to mange with my own private income. I'm worried and stressed already. I am 75 years of age.  
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    · 5 months ago
    Who does our shopping I can't I'm disabled too as well,reason for having amazon prime,also oxygen we buy for low levels of oxygen,husband got copd he needs a boost now and again.Hes stressing now and when stressed he has seizures now my mental health bad.what do we do worry to lose house.
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    · 5 months ago
    Looks as if Bank accounts surveillance is going to happen hopefully B and W can do an article on this 

    Watch the speech by the Prime Minister today.

    Labour are more ruthless than the tories have been.

    The cuts to the winter fuel payment have been just a small testing groud for is going to happen to benefits 
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    · 5 months ago
    Has Any one else seen the conference speech it's quite scary at the fact reeves left it right to the end on the welfare part which is coming across that everyone is in for a bumpy ride there doesn't seem to be any point in guessing what's going to happen it's definitely pointing towards some sort of reform but the question is are they going to gradually do things ?or is reeves going to chuck people who need help most into the deepend ?94% in a poll voted no to changes and only 6% said yes to changes is that 6% sitting on a gold mine I think that 6% are if that's true they should be the first to lose pip as they have security  also these stupid head lines need to stop the government could immediately trim pip payments after the budget is just one  where is this info coming from? what a load of rubbish !!!!!! as for the headlines talking about ex DWP employees telling people how to not lose their claims is below the belt as it's been found out these employees are made to sign an agreement that doesn't allow this newspaper reporters stop lying !!! Labour are doing nothing to stop these liars reporting fake news 
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    · 5 months ago
    Why would I what voucher s I don’t need them I have got things put in my house adaptertashion I reall on my money got shopping things that I need are ther completely potty 
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    · 5 months ago
    I think pip vouchers is not  good thing. With the cash system you can always buy what you need to buy.We all spent our money different ways. With the cash system you can always save money too keep for a rainy day. Or for example a family member needs help for money , you can help them out .Or you want to go on holiday from your savings . How on earth are you going to use vouchers abroad?
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      · 5 months ago
      @Ruhel Is this a joke? Designed to wind people up.
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      · 5 months ago
      @Ruhel yes we all spend money differently saving for a rainy day being able to help out family members
      who need money and holidays abroad oh hang on aren't we supposed to be the poorest in society  or do we just assume anyone working must be richer than us 
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    · 5 months ago
    I am 72yrs old and through  an accident  in2007  I have damage to  all my right side.I have a rollator  a rise and recline bed  and chair.I have also a mobility  scooter but cant use it much because of the  weather. If they swap to  vouchers am I supposed to  pay for my things??? I have no family  to help me so I will  be trapped by  not being able to  pay for my things.
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    · 5 months ago
    I really find it difficult to understand some of the comments here. The new government have not made any official statements on their plans, yet people here are criticising them for doing things, or possibly doing things, that haven’t even been spoken about, I.e. means testing PIP.

    Why don’t we all wait and see what they have to say BEFORE we decide they’ve got it - whatever IT is - wrong!

    As in every situation, I’m sure there will be winners and losers, as everyone’s individual needs are different and can’t be met now, so I doubt that will change, as no system is perfect…
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      · 5 months ago
      @Ian I completely agree with you, although the winter fuel payment scrap has spooked many (myself included) as it was certainly a controversial demographic to penalise. If anything it shows a certain vision that they may or may not implement, only time will tell 
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    · 6 months ago
    Tunbridge Wells
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    · 6 months ago
    waiting to find out if we loose pip is likend to making a dog beg for treats,it creates sick anxiety,dependant control,guilt people give without guilt or conditions, unconditional love. the sick human gets pleasure from this,ego,power stating its correct training for controlled behaviour shardenfroder.its here now, n.w.o 
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      · 5 months ago
      @geoff and dionne i bet where i wrote"sick human" they thought i meant a disabled person when i ment "sick nasty haters of disabled folks .
      hope im right im sure i must be or so out of touch with reality its frightening
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 months ago
      @geoff and dionne who on earth voted this down? oh my days! 2 those 2 people think the hoops to be awarded pip arnt bad the pressure of being forced onto useless humiliating vouchers is ok
      please for gods sake tell me the 2 down votes were a mistake if not then say why
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 months ago
      @geoff and dionne Do you think , Mel stride deliberately bring it in on purpose, just as a final dig at the disabled as he hated the disabled, on purpose, because he knew the Conservatives were going to lose the General Election.
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    · 6 months ago
    They are already having to do a vote on winter fuel allowance,  so maybe they will vote on pip
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      · 6 months ago
      @Sav And to add to my comment below, the winter fuel debate has ended with a Labour majority of approx 120.  So if they can withdraw winter fuel allowance, given the vociferous opposition of most of the right wing press (their customers), then imagine what is going to happen to disability benefits.  The DNS and benefits and work have hardly the clout of the Daily Mail or its circulation.  October 30th, and before that Kendall on October 7th, promises to be very grim indeed.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Sav Problem being that labour have a massive majority of 174. Even if there was a large rebellion (and thus ruining any chance of a ministerial promotion) any plans to reform PIP would get through. It'll be up to the House of Lords to amend, and charities to club together to pursue a Judicial Review (all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary) but ultimately Parliament is supreme (as I learnt when doing O level Political Studies, formerly British Constitution) back in the mid-80's.
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    · 6 months ago
    As there is also the Motability Scheme Question will this be Abolished as a pensioner On a very small Occupational pension my winter fuel allowance is no more and if this mad Voucher System would be a disaster for many as Catalogues for disability Equipment are already provided by my local county council adult care service.   
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      · 6 months ago
      @Matt Liz Kendall is sharing a stage with maximus at the end of September at the labour conference so we might find out then
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      · 6 months ago
      @tinytim I don't know but we may get a clearer idea of the Government's intentions on October 7th when Kendall faces parliamentary questions in relation to welfare reform. The White Paper may also have been published by then, and at the end of October we have the Budget which the PM has already advised us peasants will be dire....
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    · 6 months ago
    reading these comments back is already divisive. Some on here are saying 'we are truly disabled, it is those who are 'shirkers' that shouldn't be claiming'. But what if every person on PIP thinks that only their claim is legitimate and that reforms should be applied to everyone else but themselves? 
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      · 6 months ago
      @Louise Anne Burke Wrong every disability should claim pip not just wot u said I can’t even go out any where as I easily get lost I can’t follow a simple route 
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    · 6 months ago
    The idea of replacing PIP with vouchers is quite mind boggling. Apart from it probably being unworkable, it's a retrograde step. A step back in time to the post war era of rationing. Although, rationing, not because of a lack of resources but as a method of saving money at the expense of those who can lest afford to lose it.
    And there's the rub. Those who are inactive, due to disability or ill health are, and always have been the easiest targets.
    A voucher system in the 21st century is a policy not worthy of any progressive political party, whatever the colour. 
    It's particularly disconcerting that the Labour Party were quick to scrap the Rwanda scheme but prefer to have a consultation on a policy that will clearly have an impact on so many disabled people 
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      · 13 days ago
      @A Hiya Ti's Voucher Scheme Has Somewhot Driven Me Mad I'm On A V Tight Balancin Act Most Months Whot I Save One Mth Ofsets Whot I Pay Out Another Month I'll B Short B Hundreds No Doubt Whot Would Reeves Kno Abt At One Labour Government's  Short Answer Is Awt Complete Zilch I Had 2 Deminish Me Capital 2 6000 Life Long Labour Supporter No More
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      · 5 months ago
      @Jon I think maybe fruit picking or emptying hospital pans or even going over tar mac in our wheel chairs to flatten it
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      · 6 months ago
      @Matt If the government push self employment what kind of jobs would the disabled be asked to do
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      · 6 months ago
      @A I have mentioned, in a few posts, that the DWP/Government are likely to push self-employment for the sick and disabled as they can work from home. There is no way they will be able to get hundreds of thousands of disabled people into mainstream employment, unless there is very stringent anti-discrimination legislation, and the business community will cut very rough if that is implemented.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Bill You're all focussed on vouchers, when Liz Kendall's target is to remove PIP whether in vouchers, cash, or whatever from as many claimants as possible, as their aim is to cut benefits, because by paying it in vouchers, it'll still cost the same amount of money, if not even more expensive, for the DWP.

      It's not all about vouchers. They're also thinking of making it a one off small payment, providing equipment, therapy, etc. In addition, their aim is also to push as may claimants as possible into poorly paid jobs and take them off from all sorts of benefits.

      Who said that vouchers grow on trees!
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    · 6 months ago
    The wait to hear about what’s happening with PIP is agonising, seriously it’s making me extremely stressed. I would suggest people politely, but clearly email Liz Kendal and/or Stephen Timms and express how important PIP is to their needs and explain why the voucher system wouldn’t work or claiming back receipts for everything would be utterly degrading and yet another thing for my brain to have to cope with. 
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      · 6 months ago
      @Yasmin Hi Yasmin, just to put it out there, if they remove the cash payment from us, most of us won't be able to pay our bills so how the hell do they expect us to have money to purchase items and then send in the receipts, it's an absolute disgrace if they do this. We didn't ask to be disabled so does that mean we are worthless and second class citizens. 
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    · 7 months ago
    Our daughter was diagnosed with Anorexia something she is in recovery with since 2021 she is a survivor of domestic violence and child sexual abuse has suffered horrific CRIME'S against her from a young child something she didn't ask for nor me her mum yet her issues have meant she is now with cptsd social anxiety ocd and austism her vulnerabilities mean at the moment she is unable to be without full support from us as a family has limited life opportunities if she is denied her pip then she will struggle to make any sense of her life. Her perpetrator's who enabled her child sexual abuse were given 2 yrs suspended sentence yet our daughter lives with a life sentence utterly DISGRACEFUL and this government wants to deny genuine cases the right to some sort of life this is why im writing this here as our daughter full time carer while she is in recovery with Anorexia this is a life time mental health illness why we are determined to keep this government realising that pip is our daughter's life line .
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      · 6 months ago
      @Primrose I’m so sorry about your daughter but this is a powerful reminder of why pip is so needed and why a voucher system would not help her. I suggest you email Liz Kendal and/or Stephen Timms and politely, but clearly write why this is so critical for her, and why a different system would not work, other than the cash benefit. It’s important they realise as well the wait for news is causing, and the anxiety x 
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    · 7 months ago
    Well, the softening-up process has begun. I wonder if the White Paper will be published before the Budget? Clearly there will be a drive to get as many disabled people into work as possible. Given the reluctance of employers to employ disabled people, the emphasis may be towards self-employment but this will entail needing an accountant/tax expert, some marketing expertise, practical aids (vouchers?) etc. Self employment is bloody hard work, and very rarely pays. There's far more risk than being a wage slave ...
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      · 5 months ago
      @RIL I am a disabled person I have depression adhd and now living with life limiting brain damage I have very poor memory carnt recall information I have huge confusion disorientation I carnt do bills or money as I am only level 5 brain damage I’m trying learn wright again I have chronic pain brain damage spinal issues weakness legs I have be supervised do things as safety issue help do basic things .i have aspasia so I understand little speech my partner does fiancés it worries me .we use money right things where possible I have bath chair had buy wheel chair I can hardly walk pain use frame and commode .taking away money again will cause so many families into debt or having use loans or food banks get buy .i don’t think it’s fair take that money away there may be some use it holidays meals out but most disabled people it equipment they need do daily life taking that away would cause people in most need struggle and will increase mental health issues or suicide
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      · 6 months ago
      @Matt Where's all the over 3 million jobs coming from in the first place.  Secondly one needs not the same amount of after tax paid wages, but more due to being disabled, and what that incurs.

      Also there would be mass discrimination, and prejudice  towards disabled people. The workplace would consist of hatred & harassment placed upon disabled people by fellow colleagues.   That alone would cause more unemployment, as the disabled people would not be able to cope with that kind of pressure and stress.

      Liz Kendall & Co, are all in total denial, the hardship disabled people would face if they were forced back into work.

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      · 6 months ago
      @RIL A quick note in relation to self-employment.  I work in the financial services industry and we have done a survey with a disclosure at approximately 40% of those who are self-employed have been the victim of a financial scam/crime. I fear that disabled people, forced into self-employment by the new Government, could be particularly vulnerable to this. Given the very limited chances of anyone being caught, let alone prosecuted, this does not bode well for the future. As well as needing equipment (which costs money, anyone who is self employed will need very good internet security),
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      · 7 months ago
      @Matt I think you’re right in that assessment…. I have been self employed for the last 12 years , The only “feasible” way to get so many disabled people into “work” isn’t going to be through employers - as younpint out employers don’t WANT to employ disabled people. They’ll push some sort of pseudo self employment on disabled people. Watch out for some weird and wonderful “self employment schemes” in the future …  

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