Massive changes to personal independence payment (PIP) are being consulted on in the Modernising Support Green Paper to be published by the government today.  Any changes will only be put into law if the Conservatives win the next general election and the green paper is widely seen as an attempt to put pressure on Labour to declare its position on benefits.

The proposed changes are believed to include:

  • Ending PIP assessment for people with the most serious health conditions, including those with terminal illnesses.
  • Changes to current descriptors, especially those relating to aids and appliances.
  • Changes to the qualifying period for eligibility for PIP, to ensure it is only available to people whose condition will be long term.
  • Considering if PIP should only be available to people with a formal diagnosis by a medical expert.
  • One-off grants instead of regular cash payments for some claimants who need adaptations or special equipment.
  • Vouchers instead of cash payments.
  • Reimbursing claimants who provide receipts for the purchase of aids, appliances or services.
  • Providing people with lower extra costs due to their health condition with treatment, rather than regular payments.

The Modernising Support Green Paper will be published later today.

UPDATE: You can read more about the Green Paper and how to take part in the consultation here:  Replace PIP with a catalogue and decide whether food or medication is more important for disabled people - 2024 PIP changes Green Paper


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    CarA · 4 months ago
    There should be a class action against them for all the suffering they have caused us over so many years. The UN recently spoke about this:

    Rosemary Kayess, the chair of the UNCRPD, said: “We find a pervasive framework and rhetoric that devalues disabled people and undermines their human dignity. Reforms within social welfare benefits are premised on a notion that disabled people are undeserving, and skiving off and defrauding the system. This has resulted in hate speech and hostility towards disabled people. 
    Compensation not cuts! How much more suffering and trauma and loss of life can we all take?

    So grateful for everyone's feedback I don't feel so alone. 
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    Bart · 4 months ago
    The chances of the Tories winning the next election are very very low, so chances are it won’t happen. However the scary thing is what will Labour do? I feel the witch hunt on mental health will continue under Labour and I won’t be surprised to read about suicides when people are forced to look for work. Once again the easy targets are the disabled and we’re going to be forced into work we can’t do or left homeless and destitute! With the help of the news media whipping up hate against us this is not going to end well
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      Chris · 4 months ago
      @andrea I’ve already emailed my Tory MP and told him I will never vote Conservative ever again as I’m appalled at this attack on my disabled daughter and every other disabled person.
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      andrea · 4 months ago
      @Anon I have responded to this but it is interesting that the form itself is daunting for anyone who might be vulnerable/is unable to fill such lengthy and detailed forms out.  Everyone should respond in some way, even if their answers might not seem that eloquent or the person may feel daunted in tacking this.
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    John · 4 months ago
    I suffer from autism and anxiety but I work part time and get pip but don’t get ESA or universal credit will these changes affect people like me who work part time and claim pip 
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      dc · 3 months ago
      @Am i have said this time and again. once they wipe out the vulnerable, the will attack the middle classes
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      Am · 4 months ago
      @John 1. YES. 2. Even if not, do you eant to be the person who doesn't speak out because you are safe? 

      I know we all want to know if we are going to be affected, but try to bear in mind that they won't stop at the first line of the vulnerable, they work back and back till everyone is affected. Speak for us now and we'll be there to speak up for you when they come for you...
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      Adam Williamson · 4 months ago
      @John Yes 
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    Will · 4 months ago
    Also please remember everyone - you’re not alone in this, we are all worried for our futures and our families. 

    This is the first time I’ve seen one of their attacks on us be so widely publicised, they won’t win. 

    Hang in there everyone - we will win.
    - Will 
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      Anon · 4 months ago
      @Will Agreed more exposure wnd awareness means better chances of failure. 
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    Will · 4 months ago
    The mask is off, the tories are desperate - and it shows who they really are that this is what they try and pull to score some last minute votes. 

    We have a host of local/mayoral elections this week and the tories are going to be annihilated. Once again chaos from inside the party will rule and I wouldn’t be surprised if we did in fact end up with an election in July. They're hanging by a thread. 

    I know it’s tough, I’m worried too - I’m boiling with rage quite frankly, but hang in there guys! 

    All we can do is tactically vote them out, look up your local voting info, who’s the top choice to oust the tories? For me it’s Labour, for most of you it will be too. It may be tough but we have to vote with our feet on this, literally. Ask for a postal vote if you struggle to get to a polling station. 

    We have to unite on this now - because these “proposals” are inhuman, cruel and merciless. Showing just who these creatures REALLY are. 

    It’s also important that we put pressure on Labour, we can do that by making the outcry about this as loud as possible so that Labour won’t dare touch it. 
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    paradox · 4 months ago
    I am horrified! Truly shocking! After years of being beaten down with the current system, I finally get a ten year award last year with light touch review at that point. Now this is thrown at us! I am 66 now, I simply cannot go through this, its too much. I am sick and tired of having to prove the bleeding obvious, that I am truly disabled with many health conditions, both physical and mental. Now this - No if this actually happens I am done. I get to state pension age, keep my pip and think at last it'll be less stressful, then this happens. I cannot be doing this, its too much, how cruel these people are. 
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      A non · 4 months ago
      @paradox Hello iam in same position I jumped through so many hoops since 2014 with assessment after assessment then last November got 10yr award taking me upto retirement but here we go again different idea of punishing the disabled and it will cost more to implement these changes of vouchers and the like so will be a shambles rub by the government and will lead to increased suicide and homeless if they they get voted in again I will go mad as people don't realise that disabled first pension then young working families on uc 
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    The dogmother. · 4 months ago

    This is utter nonsense. (Can't say what I really think)
    Whose gp has understanding of their needs at home,what if you've multiple conditions that require different things to help you out,is a gp going to go through each one, and note them accordingly.
    When do you actually get to see your gp? And how much time would it take.
    Gps can certainly confirm you suffer from certain things but how much further can they go.
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    Carole · 4 months ago
    If there are so many sick disabled dieing ppl we all need to rise up and vote and get these clowns out ! It's well over due I have many health issues some complex ones to I've been scared half to death since having a life time award from DLA to being forced on to pip trouble is that switch over didt hast worked because what they saved in one hand went out the other on many ppl taking them to tribunals and so we should we ALL need to vote these  clowns out  once n for all.
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    Vengeance · 4 months ago
    I hate these Vile=Evil scum in Government,as an ex boxer,bring in DWP,I will enjoy kicking these scum.Anger ! yeah hate,is a crime,hating disabled is excrement of these scum.
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    M · 4 months ago
    Maybe the banks could step in - after all it wasn't the disabled people that got the country in the mess it is, it was the banks and in part due the deregulation introduced during the Thatcher years.

    Let's go after the banks and get a return on the bail out money they got under Cameron and Osborne rather than pick in the disabled 
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    Matt · 4 months ago
    Extremely tough day! But we will win this fight! Have no fear all! 
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    lesley · 4 months ago
    This was from 2016.  It never happened.  It's the same old song.
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    T · 4 months ago
    I can't alow this to get to me. After all the panic and stress these Tory monsters have already caused me with the constant plans to change everything and make things more difficult and the constant change of ideas, I'm totally confused now with what the hell they plan to change, get rid off, replace.  All the plans they keep making keep controdicting each other plan they make.
          I thought pip was going to be our gate way to the new replacement of ESA on universal credit,  clearly the plan is to eradicate sickness benefit for most of us with mental health..
       I'm not going to let these evil creatures get to me again, they aren't going to make me feel any worse anymore. They'll never win the election and nobody would be able to do anything as bad as what the Tories plan, I know Labour are crap but they certainly couldn't snoop to the disgusting level as these rats. 
      To these we are worthless, but we know we have got through all the dark times and struggles they keep inflicting upon us and we will keep on finding our way through it.. just believe there has to be better times for us once these are gone because it honestly couldn't get any worse... 
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      Mandy · 4 months ago
      @T I have decided that the only place I shall occasionally look about all this is this site,my mh can not take any more I was suicidal last May after a breakdown which I have not yet recovered from,not even a quarter recovered, and this has sent me right back to 4am early morning nerves,feeling sick and weight loss,I can not take anymore, my husband has only just given up work to care for me as it was affecting his health working full time then looking after me constantly, the carer's allowance application hasn't even been officially stamped yet,losing all his wage is bad enough and now this, I am besides myself with worry,I also have a cancer scare going on atm and I'm nearing  breaking point again,I'm shocked that a green paper has already been done and that is what is frightening me,can anyone tell me exactly what this means?  was a green paper done before and dropped? and I don't trust starmer,I feel lost and more desperate than I have ever done before,I'm worried about the mortgage payments and even food ,we can not take this hit financially and if my husband returns to work, I don't think I can make any progress with my conditions on my own,I would not be beable to attend my medical appointments being agoraphobic as well.
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      Tina · 4 months ago
      @T I totally agree with you.
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    Fibrofred · 4 months ago
    Hot off the press!! 
    Having had a quick glance at this very long winded document with many truly ridiculous proposals I can see why so many people are stressing. As usual it is deliberately vague in regard to who will be affected i. e. new and/or existing claimants and no mention of those with 10 year awards. In my view this is not just a PIP overhaul but more like a direct attack on the disabled. The cynic in me would say they are making sure Labour will inherit this nightmare for long enough to ensure they will only survive one term. 
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    M · 4 months ago
    Seen this online:

    The only new detail that I could find is that the pip consultation is due to run for 12 weeks (ending the last 7 days or so of July - 23rd seems like a good bet if the big issue have their details right)

    as mps are on summer recess 23rd July till a unknown date (my educated guess would be the first Monday of September which is the 2nd)

    unless sunaks gone totally mad (and his mps have allowed him to survive) I doubt there’d be a January 2025 election as that would mean campaigning over Xmas which would push even hardcore Tory voter goodwill

    i reckon the realistic latest election date will be the 19th dec (last Thursday before Xmas recess). Because parliament has to be dissolved 25 working days before an election (14th of November) and the 3 weeks of recess realistically sunak and stride at realistic max only have 8 weeks after the summer to publish the results of the consultation then would need to pass new legislation to actually change anything pre election….

    ……..which is 99.99% impossible imo

    we will certainly have the pip consultation results some point sept or oct but any Tory policy changes would only have time to put on the Tory manifesto

    it will be up to the incoming government from whatever party to decide on long term sick welfare reforms - so the tories can continue threatening/scaring the disabled but they can’t really touch us pre election
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      roserose1607 · 4 months ago
      @Tubby I totally agree Tubby. I've started looking online , 'window shopping' for tents.
       I have multiple auto immune diseases that are incurable, that I have to take strong meds for  including lobg termchemo with terrible side effects ...and here I am looking at tents, out of fear and apprehension of losing the pittance that I've already had to 'fight' for ! 

      I'm so angry that many of us sick, disabled and vulnerable are now inevitably facing homelessness and destitution.
      I have emailed my local Labour mp and am awaiting response....because as a life long labour voter, I want to know exactly where they stand on this green paper.
      Not much has come from labour in regards  of 'pushback' on this attack on the disabled and vulnerable. 
      Kier starmer's silence is deafening  !
      All I do know is, the only hope we do getting the tories out !!!!
      Sorry about my rant everyone.  Xxx
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      John Forest · 4 months ago
      @M Some are suggesting the reason there  might be  Autumn election  is to disenfranchise as many students as possible who may not be on the register ,same plan with the voter i.d rigging.
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      Mandy · 4 months ago
      @Tubby Same
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      MrFibro · 4 months ago
      @M There has to be an election (GE) No later than january 2025, because the Tories parliamentary term is up.  They just cant say oh well we'll have the GE  in June 2025.
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      Tubby · 4 months ago
      @M I hope your right.. I really do for everyone's sake concerned. Because i'm truly am petrified at the thought of loosing my PIP . Without it i shall be homeless, not enough money to live on. Looks like a lot of sufferers without family or friends who they can live with are going to be ending up on the streets, or sleeping in there Cars.. It's shameful.
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    KS001 · 4 months ago
    I'm disgusted that anyone with a disability is made to worry beyond belief at the proposals mentioned. Speaking as someone with PTSD and have suffered for 15 years. The financial help is extremely helpful and important to most people who have suffered with illnesses and been diagnosed. This behaviour is so very cruel and wicked to deprive those of us in genuine need for support. 
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    Alice · 4 months ago
    It will kill me, I can't put it plainer. I have had severe depression & anxiety for over 30 yrs, rooted in child abuse and trauma. I've had over 20 yrs of NHS treatment & at 52 still have significant disabilities. My official diagnosis remains D&A with panic attacks on the side. During my time in therapy I have learned how to make my world safe, how to put in place protective factors against unaliving and investing my life purpose in things that don't trigger me. That means people no, dogs yes. I need money to pay my rent on my home of 16 years, money to care properly for my dogs who are my only company and act as de facto carers, I need my car or I'll be housebound, and I need things like breakdown cover and pet insurance and house insurance to make sure I don't worry myself into oblivion. Getting PIP doesn't cure my D&A, it can't heal me, but it does make life possible, it makes life worth it. I guess the billionaires don't think I deserve to live.
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      andrea · 4 months ago
      @Rugs We need to be very careful in making statements like this.  I have severe anxiety and depression too.  Statements like this could just make everything worse.  Look at the statement further up.  The person detailed a timeline which means this will be some time in coming and by the time the Tories get round to doing anything, they will probably have lost the election.  Labour will obviously do some reform but not to the cruel extent this Government have.

      For those of us with severe mental health conditions, words are very important so we need to put in balance.  (People also will not lose all their benefits even if the Tories did get their way on PIP.  There is still ESA/UC.)
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      Rugs · 4 months ago
      @Alice Yes . It does seem that people with anxiety and depression are going to lose their benefits 😕 
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      Tubby · 4 months ago
      @Alice I hear ya and truly do understand what you are saying. I myself have two Chihuahuas that are my absolute world and the only things i communicate with and fully trust. They are my therapy also. If these vast cuts are implemented then i won't even be able to keep them anymore, because of financial burden and because i won't be able to afford housing for myself, let alone my doggys. Sorry to rant, but i'm a hollow wreck at the moment. I cant stop crying & shaking. You take good care and lets hope fate & good fortune shines down on all of us suffering with emotional distress.
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      The dogmother. · 4 months ago
      @Alice Same..I'm gone..  40 odd yrs of numerous pills and strategies for my MH. On top of all my physical conditions. No cures any time soon for me either. D&A plus panic attacks amongst other things.
      A few panic attacks would show the powers that be just how utterly terrifying they are and how they can hit any time night of day out of the blue.And make us act irrationally. No control over them. 
      That and trying to cope with physical conditions that can end your life is no cake walk.
      MH is not a joke, it's not a quick road to Pip, it's about time it wasn't brushed under the carpet as being the new 'Bad back', which incidentally just because bad backs are hard to prove it does not mean they don't exist or cause suffering. 
      It's easy when you don't suffer from health problems to shout down those who do.

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      Anon · 4 months ago
      @Alice Unfortunately they don't live in reality and realise that depression can be a severe chronic illness and anxiety has some nasty physical symptoms and life altering severities like people in the real world.

      They won't get away with it they've tried it all many times before it's all desperate election fodder to the small rabid minority they have lost trom their voting flock.
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    Tubby · 4 months ago
    Just read about proposed reforms to PIP payment scheme etc. Gee's FFS! it's got me worried sick. Trembling, vomiting, hyperventilating.. I'm overwrought. I can even comprehend these draconian measures the Government are looking at implementing . The suffering & even suicides that will take place if this happens are chilling thoughts. I myself a, long term mentally ill. I've always suffered with bouts of mania , delusions., diagnosed paranoia schizophrenia .  I have received treatment off and on for over the last years, various medications & CBT therapy etc. It helped a little but within this last four weeks i attended my local mental health clinic and was just basically pushed aside and swept under the carpet.. "Not our problem" was the vibe from the get go this time.. All geared towards other directions and not assisting me with treatment. Also because i had to seek drug relief via black market valium "Diazapm" or Ketamine to help take the edge off, my mental health team has decided to cease all future treatments from me forthwith.. Instead of helping me stabilize and get medicated and therapy. It's as if they want me to step in front of a train.  My medications and reviews were neglected alll throughout Covid and i lost my Mother at that time and had no family support or friends.. Emotionally cut off. Also with rising costs in Rent , Fuel, household bills etc how can they deny £290 quid a month extra when the Torys wasted hundreds of millions of ponds on PPE that was unused and stashed in Epping forest before being incinerated . Give themselves pay rises and tax breaks. It's Sick. Voucher systems will not work.. If i loose this PIP payment, then i loose my flat, i will no longer be able to afford a home. That is FACT. I leave as frugally as possible as it is.. I tremble as i await the outcome of this mickey mouse report. They have already made up there minds. We are all going to get cut off. Now i'm going to hide in the dark try keep the voices and monsters at bay.. 
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    Pj · 4 months ago
    I listened to the debate in the commons today. The Labour party gave no indications that they would oppose the green paper. It was a very weak response from Labour, so I have no confidence they will be any better.
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      Old mother · 4 months ago
      @Pj Labour are not in a position to oppose as they are the opposition party.  

      Please stop enabling the tories by undermining Labour. 
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      roserose1607 · 4 months ago
      @Alice Exactly this !
       I'd NEVER VOTE tory anyway but hopefully for many of the disabled and vulnerable, this 'attack' will steer people towards  voting labour.
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      roserose1607 · 4 months ago
      @george Same here
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      george · 4 months ago
      @Alice I think that labour are not saying too much on disability as if they say they are not going to address any of the welfare criteria they then won't get some of the die hard Tory voters as a fair few of them want benefits reduced or stopped !  I HOPE I'm right . I'm going to vote labour as don't see any other choice as if the Tory's get in again we KNOW what's in store so got to take a chance on labour as it will only be between these two party's to win as other party's won't get enough outright votes to get in at this point in time sadly 
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      Anon · 4 months ago
      @Pj Labour won't want to rock the boat at this critical point. They'll want to let the Tories nail their own coffin shut.

      They are not perfect but they are making some comments here and there which indirectly say the green papee is OTT and wrong.