The consultation on plans to replace personal independence payment (PIP) with vouchers or a catalogue ends on 22 July, with Labour so far showing no signs of disowning the proposals.  Benefits and Work is urging readers to have their say before it is too late.

As most readers will be aware, the Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

Labour failed to condemn these proposals in the run-up to the general election and have continued to remain silent since gaining power, even though there is now no risk of them losing votes by speaking out.

According to the Mirror:

“Labour insiders have hinted they'll review the public's response to these proposals after the consultation wraps up on July 22, which falls three weeks post-election.”

Labour have also said nothing about planned changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) from 2025, that would lead to an estimated 424,000 claimants losing over £400 a month.

Ten leading charities, including:

  • Child Poverty Action Group
  • Disability Rights UK
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Mind
  • Save the Children

have written to Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions.  They have asked her to halt the proposed changes to the WCA and to PIP and replace them with plans that are “redesigned with disabled people at the centre.”

So far, there has been no response.

You can find out more about the changes to PIP and how to take part in the consultation here.

UPDATE 11 July

Liz Kendall made a speech in Leeds today in which she said that rising levels of economic inactivity are unacceptable and that immediate action must be taken.  She highlighted the fact that a record 2.8 million people are out of work due to long-term sickness. 

Kendall said that the government would: ".... create more good jobs, make work pay, transform skills, and overhaul jobcentres, alongside action to tackle the root causes of worklessness including poor physical and mental health."

Kendall made no reference to PIP or work capability assessment changes and did not address the issue of the speeded-up timetable for forced migration to universal credit.

More details here.


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    Craig · 2 months ago
    Pip is a life line not a high street shopping trip,vouchers would make people feel degraded and singled out it will cause embarrassment,I couldn't get about after a life of many operations and being in pain most of my life.i totally understand that the system needs change but it's the assessment people that need a shake up I was refused help and made out as a lier with one assessor telling me she decided this and that how could she decide these things when it was over the phone,so seems they cause the wrong people to get the low and high rate.
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      george · 2 months ago
      @Craig So agree , I did the survey and put similar things in your post on it 
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    Onekidney · 2 months ago
    This is a ridiculous idea. What about those of us who have to use some of their pip to pay essential bills, gas, electric etc. An being on a medical diet myself,  where will this help.
    We are human beings, but as usual, the government treats less than human, and mote like something nasty on their shoe that has to be got rid of. To me, this is only a short step away from what Hitler did!!
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    maria · 2 months ago
    Although vouchers would be great to be able to purchase expense equipment, aids and taxis etc, it doesn't help at all if you need to follow a specific diet and I'm living on beans on toast as it is without the little money I get going down. Also if for instance I need a walk in shower (which I do) how could I possibly even think about paying to have it fitted. Also how would I find the money to pay up front for the items I need to help me if my money is reduced and how would I find the money for taxi's for hospital appointments etc. This hasn't been thought out at all. I'm already in a lot of debt and there is no way I could find the money up front, so how would this benefit those of us who need help. It wouldn't !!!
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    Brian Marriott · 2 months ago
    Pip should be left as money not silly old voucher voucher can not repair cars or help with free car tax or get disability cars 
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      george · 2 months ago
      @Brian Marriott And also it is spent on different things a lot of the time as expenses or bills come up , you juggle the money about to try to get your food and bills paid then extra bills a taxi unexpectedly  or meds etc etc , we haven't got a crystal ball for goodness sake !
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    lesley · 2 months ago
    When my children were small I used to get milk tokens.  That was bad enough.  Then I recieved vouchers for their school uniforms.  Sooooo humiliating!

    I need to take black cabs to places such as doctor's, to the swimming pool, where I have to use the hoist to get in and out of the pool.  Swimming is one of the only pleasures and pain relief that I get.

    The black cabs can transport a disabled person very well.
    How can I pay for a cab with a voucher!!

    We are being taken backwards not advancing.
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    Michelle francis · 2 months ago
    We depend on pip to help with the daily cost of living, and it would be a very bad decision to stop pip payments , as it wold put a lot of people on the poverty line 
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    Sandra · 2 months ago
    At the moment I’m renewing my husband’s pip…..he had a major stroke (he was working up until his stroke) we never thought in our wildest dreams that we would be in the position we are now (I am disabled too).
    I am terrified that we won’t be able to cope financially,like many others our utility bills are high we both have inconstancy issues which causes an enormous amount of laundry etc….
    Having to buy groceries that are expensive due to having to have food delivered (not take away foods we couldn’t afford those).
    My husband is a veteran and has always worked,we have always paid our own way. 
    Now I’m at my wits end as I have to deal with everything as his stroke stole his cognitive abilities as well as many other health issues.
    Having vouchers wouldn’t help us…..
    The government need to stop this Green Paper madness NOW.
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    Andrew watson · 2 months ago
    Scroll down to Benefits and welfare and pensions to see her voting record whilst in opposition. Let’s hope she shows the same commitment in her role as minster for work and pensions.
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    Anonymous · 2 months ago
    I don't get full state pension and rely on my PIP to pay for bills and taxis for appointments as I have rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis desperately need that money to live with the high cost of living 

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    Simon Hyde · 2 months ago
    I fear this change to PIP because all it will achieve is lots more meaningless paperwork for people who have enough trouble already.
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    Rebecca · 2 months ago
    Have your say on it then! Copy and paste your answers on notes app or similar as it is easy to click off the page by accident and then it makes you start again. Set aside a couple of hours as there are 40 questions. You have until 22nd July to fill out this feedback form.

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    Winnie · 2 months ago
    It's discrimation against disabled people. That's what this is. They dont choose not to work. They are unable to do that. And giving vouchers is like putting a sign upon their heads saying I dont work. This shouldn't be happening to people who don't work through no fault of their own. It's stigmatising people and and taking away their self respect. What is happening here is that this is going to take away people's dignity. A total disgrace. That's what it is!!
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    Martin · 2 months ago
    See it really didn't matter who got in, we the disabled was always going to suffer as a result of people with money deciding on just how much we deserve to live........... As it appears we do not have any right to live a life with dignity and they are making it very plan that we should be seen and not heard. I would of thought that the main reason the Tories lost was because of the way they treated the people that they serve or as I like to put it their EMPLOYERS, they should do as we the bosses tell them to do not the other way around. Just another bunch of self serving back stabbing laiers, but hey ho what do I know.
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    Mel · 2 months ago
    I need my PIP payments to help pay bills and to live on. Vouchers won't be any good to pay my household bills. I have bipolar, osteoarthritis, chronic pain, anxiety and bad depression.  I struggle to get out and about. Need PIP in money form into bank, without it being this way I don't know how I will survive 
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    Jack · 2 months ago
    The problem has been how a certain man institutionalised the attack on welfare by using ideas that came out of Wisconsin and was financed by a foundation based there which promoted such ideas. This institute has been legitimised by attendance by political hopefuls and MPs who then give their support to such ideas which in turn are then made acceptable across party lines. This institute of social injustice has been built up by taking so called research, ideas, and attitudes from the right wing in America who have declared war on the sick, disabled, and poor and many of these ideas have been tried across many of the English speaking countries as well as some non English speaking countries across the world. 
    Their arguments are reinforced through sponsorship of research chairs at major universities and by "inviting" politicians to their meetings to bring about a joint agreement and prevents people from and our politicians from speaking up for fear they will go against any of this "established" ideas and because many of them have not taken the trouble to research this they fall foul to the only one sided arguments being presented. 
    It is an slow undermining of social justice values and is financed by some of the most extreme right wing foundations giving out funds to reinforce their views! It must be looked into and fought and our leaders educated on the methods being used. 
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    CaroA · 2 months ago
    Just found this on the DWP website (thanks to the previous contributor who mentioned changes to the DWP website)

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    Sue Diggle · 2 months ago
    We need the PIP to live on, that helps us to be able to afford to pay all my bills, what we doing going back to green shield stamps and ration books, thought government wanted to help us out of poverty not push more people into it. 
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    Ann · 2 months ago
    Our son was born with a rare syndrome.  He has no speech and severe learning difficulties.  We pay for incontinance products, he requires several showers per day due to soiling himself so our energy bills are very high.  Washing and drying his clothes costs a small fortune and his clothes wear out much quicker. We take him out every day for several hours in our car as this calms him down, this takes a big toll on our car, needing new tyres, repairs, Diesal and car insurance.  My husband has heart problems and is always cold so we need the heating on most of the months of the year.  I could go on and on.  How the hell can people be expected to manage on vouchers.  God help us all.
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      James h · 2 months ago
      @Rainbow @Rainbow hi wasn’t  having a go at depression or anxiety had it myself for 25 years and autism too it all about saving billions nowadays billions which will be spent on putting asylum seekers into 5 star hotels billions sent to Ukraine and billions in foreign aid just goes round and round 
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      Rainbow · 2 months ago
      @James h Anxiety and depression are certainly not "minor" in fact they can and do take over and destroy any quality of life.

      These politicians have no idea about the real world.
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      James h · 2 months ago
      @Ann I’ve read your story I don’t get pip I more concerned about the esa to uc move I know it’s all the waiting worrying  and wondering about what labour have planned but I don’t think they will be going to vouchers maybe a Tory government in future I would say and also a previous comment said too they will be going after “minor mental health conditions” like depression and anxiety 
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    Kieran · 2 months ago
    I am a wheelchair user have epilepsy and i had a heart transparent  which means means regular hospital appointments which are expensive  not to mention the bills i also have universal credit  but i wont see that when i move i rely on this money just to get by 
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    Jen · 2 months ago
    Why can't they leave things as they are and work after all why fix what ain't broke